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Barry's Blog

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Keep those old dogs barkin'

Entries in this blog

Ahhh, Summertime Again!

Howdy folks! It's that time of the year again! Hot weather, sun burns, allergies, bugs! But wait...there are good points to summer, too! Cooking on the grill, swimming, scantly dressed women and yes...truck shows! Tis the season for those gleaming giants to bask in the sun for all to see and appreciate! It's hard to find anyone young, old or mid life crisis that doesn't love a truck show! We go to 2 big shows every year to sell truck parts. I wish we'd go to more, but it is just such a h



Busy Time!

Wow...I wish I had time during the slow season to do more blogging, but now it's getting to be our busy season and I seem to have even LESS time! Plus Sept is getting closer and I have a ton of planning to get done for the big 60 Year Celebration and Truck Show! I have vendors to call for door prize donations and to get reps to visit, food to organize, trucks to get registered, not 1 but 2 t-shirts to get produced plus I'm overseeing radio advertising to get spectators here...It's not just



The Snow Is Flyin'!

Well, it is Dec. 5th and we got our first major snow of the year. Now I remember why I like summer! I just hope we get a white Christmas this year...it has been a while. 3 or 4 years ago was the last white Christmas. Oh well, I still have shopping to do. I'd buy everything online if I knew my wife wouldn't snoop! So I'll just go Christmas eve like everyone else! LOL Have a Merry Christmas in case I don't blog before then!



I'm A Busy Guy!

I've been pretty bust for the last few days and for at least the next week! The last couple days, I have been upgrading more stuff within the BMT Forum software and making sure everything is secure. I also added a new simple skin. The only major project I want to do is get the Garage working again. That might be a few months yet. This week, we are packing for Mack Days at Lititz, PA. Not one of the biggest shows around, but definitely one of the nicest! I hope to see everyone there! I



2 Weeks To Go!

Wooo Hooo...2 weeks to go in the "BMT Blog OFF" contest! So far, it looks like Other Dog is in the lead followed closely by Paul Van Scott! It ould still be anyone's race! So get blogging! It ain't over til it's over!



The Blog Contest Is On!

The contest is on! Create your blog and get posting! The idea here is to post interesting stuff like personal stories or fictional pieces to get people to read your blog and come back in the future! It doesn't have to be truck related! Anything goes (within reason...this is a family website!) So happy blogging! Lets see if there are any budding authors out there!



Macungie Or Bust!

It's Wednesday, June 13th and we are starting to load the truck with our antique parts and other novelties for the Macungie Truck Show! I am really sorry that the chrome shells didn't make it in time to bring to the show, but we will have them soon! We are bringing a ton of other stuff to the show so be sure to stop by and purchase something so our boss keeps sending us every year! As I mentioned before, all of you guys that bought our new black t-shirts already and wearing them to the sho



Summer Officially Begins!

Well, Memorial Day is over and the official start to summer is here! That means the swimming pools are open, school is almost over and the trucks show season will be in full swing! We are starting to get ready for Macungie on June 16th! Should be a good time, we are looking forward to it! After Macungie, the only other show we will be doing is 'Mack Days' in Lititz, Pa. That is usually the first Saturday in October. Well, time to get to work...hope to see everyone at the shows!



Am I The Only Blogger Here?

No one has created a blog yet? Don't be shy...just click the "create Blog" link and your ready to go! You can use all the default settings, so there is really nothing else to mess with.



Hello Bloggers!

Welcome to my new Blog! These things are great...it's kinda like a personal, mini website that you can post anything you want! Thanks to some chicken shit, coward hacker, I've been working on BMT for almost a week now...getting everything fixed and orderly after the update. It's alot of hard work, but I know how much you guys enjoy the site, so it is all worth it to me! So...enjoy the forums and have fun with the new blogs!



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