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adventure's from the shop

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well another week has come & gone the next 1 will be a challenge. jimmy will be gone so hopefully things will go okay but i guess we will see .. just stoping by to cheak out otherdogs blog he went to a truck show today so he's got lots to talk about.




well here we are another week has come and gone not much happend this week had a driver quit because he said he couldent drive 72 mph. found the rightfull owner of roxy turns out she belongs to bebo litchford she was a good dog i'll miss her. broke out i the hives yesterday took six shots to calm me down felt like a chimp the way i was scratching but thats about it for this week untill the next



Another Week

well another week has come and gone. and the trucks have been busy! means the shop has been slow. the fedreal d.o.t man came by said we were satsfactory { another word for other dog}out of 350 logbooks only 4 where wrong!! but on a better note. the weather has been going my way i've picked up another 20'000lbs of scrap this week and the lot looks a lot less like a landfill. but i still have a long way to go but things are getting better! not much in the way of truck news. one of our star drivers



Not Much

not much happend this week so for my cleaning efforts were thworted [hope i spelled that right ] by the rain. now if it will just dry up a little i can create so space we need desprately. got around to takeing a few pictures of my truck. oh roxy!! monday morning i whent to work. there was this mean looking dog sitting on the porch around the office. at first i was a little weary of her. but a couple off sausage biscuts later we were the best of friends. she loves rocks !! i mean loves she'll fin



Not Much

not much happend this week so for my cleaning efforts were thworted [hope i spelled that right ] by the rain. now if it will just dry up a little i can create so space we need desprately. got around to takeing a few pictures of my truck. oh roxy!! monday morning i whent to work. there was this mean looking dog sitting on the porch around the office. at first i was a little weary of her. but a couple off sausage biscuts later we were the best of friends. she loves rocks !! i mean loves she'll fin



Easy Does It

The adventure of the week had to be unloadibg a ford flatbed truck.{ It was made sometime in the 60's not sure when} From a step deck trailer without the assistance of a loading dock. the tools required for this operation are common to a shop. however seldom used in this abstract.The adventure started at about 6:00 am & took some serous thought. before we came up with a good idea. to make a long story short we took a forklift & a low boy trailer detached the low boy from the gooseneck




what ever happend to screws seems everything today is held together with little plastic clips. who made up there mind that srews & bolts were so bad. for instance i had to repair a headlight to day. the hole thing was plastic there wasn't a srew or bolt on the hole assembly. what gives was the old four headlight syestem so bad does everything have to be made of plastic. i think the old iron way worked well for a long time. they were easy to work on .they looked good & got the job done!!



A New Sight

seen a new sight to day couple of ladies showed up today to pick up a couple western stars we sold it was the first time i had ever seen 2 class 8 trucks with a dodge pick up in the middle of the 2 pretty cool i thought wish i had a picture 2 show ! maybe next time till then!!



Hello All

Hello all. I'm kinda new to all this. but my buddy other dog turned me on to this site. So i figure that i would give it a try. i'm a young buck of 26 years . i've spent most all of them around trucks. hauled a few things here and there. {mostly oversized steel in my teens}i've worked ontrucks most of my life they just seem to be a part of the family now i guess it's become a way of life for me. i work now for my father & uncle at there shop in concord va we maintane and operate about 7



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