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1949 mack truck lfsw restoration

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a small step for man. ......

Good morning my fellow members of the Mack trucks family. I hope this finds you well and may even give you a wee laugh at my adventures. As you all know, I've been having fun with my old Mack for a little while now and that one job always leads to another. Since we last spoke I've been having problems getting her to idle or run for any length of time. I was getting fuel upto the injectors but it would only run for maybe 30 seconds then die. Which after at least 30 years of sitting still is quite



Engine cut out problems......

Good day fellow Mack fans. I have come across a small problem with my end672 diesel. She starts ok but will only run for a short period then cut out, I think I may start with the basics and drain the entire fuel system and start again. I am sure that after many years of sitting around that water and stuff has made its way into the fuel system. Hopefully I'll be able to eliminate that variable before I start throwing money at it. I have bled the system and unblocked all the valves and pipes as I



time well spent

l feel like I have been neglecting you all but life is rather hectic just now. As for the truck there has been quite a few bits done by myself and my girlfriend. The winch has been stripped down and freed off, one of the fuel tanks has been removed as someone who shall remain nameless sanded a hole through it and got my drive covered in red diesel, the cab has been dismantled and it only leaves the floor and bulkhead, due to corrosion the injector pipes have been removed and sent away to be rene



day. ...God knows

good evening my friend. Just a quick update on the lfsw progress. Got it home and with a little bit of drama and I managed to get it running! first time in years. took the truck cab off. I am waiting on new injection pipes as the original ones were corroded through to fire her up again. Have had to put it on the back burner as I have a new job. its a tough life when you can't work on your own truck for working for others.



Day seven? oh god knows

Another productive day.... Once we got the engine a bit cleaner it was time to see what I have gotten myself into. Trying to turn the engine over by hand sucked so the starter came out without much problems (it is bloody heavy tho) as I had popped my 12v booster pack on it in the hope that it would turn over but no luck. Once on the deck and cleaned, Alex loves to pick and scrape off old paint and rust to find whats underneath we discovered that the starter was 24v so I doubled up my jumper pack



Day five

Day five............and six! It's been an eventful couple of days. Day five started with a phone call to say the crane was coming off the back of the truck, with the help of a Manitou. It started with burning off the bolts that held the crane onto the chassis and giving the crane a wee tug but the tow hitch was fouling it. A 70mm socket and a sledgehammer for a bit of gentle persuasion soon took care of that! The crane was removed and placed out of the way of estate traffic. The next job



Day four

Day four has been great. It started with the two front tires being inflated and holding air which after 30+ years being flat was a surprise. We had a huge list of jobs to do and we got them all done in great time. The prop shaft came off with no problem. All the nuts and bolts were nice and free. May have something to do with the hydraulic crane leaking oil all over them. As I have never worked on anything this size or age before I was not sure if I was going to need big tools but so far I have



Day three

Day three of the recovery: It was a fairly early start for day three. The mission for this visit was to remove tree and clear underneath. The tree put up a brave fight and was much taller than we thought but armed with only a bushman saw and a length of rope (needed to make sure the tree didn't fall through a building) we set about it. I decided to take the top off first so started just above the radiator cap and took out the thinner of the two trunks firs



Day two

Day two and it's time to dig ! After being parked up for more than 30 years (estimated by staff on the estate) we knew it was going to be a challenge to free the truck from it's resting place. With a car full of picks, shovels, hammers, saws and other assorted bits of kit we headed down for day two and starting to remove some of the things that had been placed on, under and inside the truck. There was a 1 foot mound of dirt that had built up along the



Recovering Mack LSFW....Day 1

Day one of my newest project and possibly the least eco friendly one of them all! To get this truck out and back to my house I'm going to have to cut down a couple of trees, remove the garden from the chassis and generally clear out 35 years of undergrowth and assorted rubbish! After clearing a tree, a welder, an enormous battery charger and the controls for the crane from the back the chassis is in remarkably decent condition. Maybe the flora and fauna over it protected it slightly! We manage



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