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mostly real adventures on the road

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Another Week

Got back to work this week, after having no paycheck last week. Shoulda got AFLAC I guess. I went to Metals USA in Ambridge, Pa. Monday with a 60' load of beams then loaded almost 49,000 lbs. of angle and channel in North Jackson, Oh. going to Petersburg, Va. Reloaded another 60' load of beams going to Oneal Steel in Ambridge, Pa. to deliver Friday morning, then brought a load of firebrick back from Alliance, Ohio to deliver in Madison Heights tomorrow. Should all be pretty good paying loads. P

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other dog


might as well talk about the garden...ain't been doing any truckin'. It's really growing and looking good. Even the upside down tomater in the bucket looks pretty good...bucket's kinda ugly though. Got some herbs in the round things. Waitin' on Paul to tell me what to do with 'em. And squirrels are already eating the peaches, and they're not even close to being ripe. Why don't these squirrels eat all these acorns and hickory nuts around here, like real squirrels?

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Thursday...you Guessed It!

Crap!..This week STILL ain't going too good so far- I went to the doctor today and he told me to come back tomorrow (again!) so he could look at it and change the bandage (again!). Only tomorrow i've got to see him in Lynchburg. The doctor couldn't believe the amount of stuff that was still in there. He said "I think we've about got it!.. no, wait- spoke too soon." He said maybe tomorrow I would be good to go with just a band-aid. Same thing he said yesterday. And the day before...and the day

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Wednesday...still At Home

Crap!..This week ain't going too good so far- I was supposed to deliver that load of beams in Birmingham tomorrow, but I went to the doctor today and he told me to come back tomorrow (again!) so he could look at it and change the bandage (again!). So, I finally had to give the load up. The doctor couldn't believe the amount of stuff he got out of it today-it had filled up again. He said it had to be a golfball sized amount of nasty stuff that was still in there. He said maybe tomorrow I would be

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Tuesday...at Home

I was supposed to deliver that load of beams in Birmingham today, but I went to the doctor yesterday and he bladed that cyst and stuck some kind of drain in it, then told me to come back today so he could look at it and change the bandage. So, I tried to get the delivery put off 'til today so I wouldn't have to give the load up, but they said to bring it Thursday. Worked out real well because the doctor told me to come back again tomorrow. I think he's gonna pull the drain thing out and I should

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Another Interesting Jobsite

I'm trying to remember where I went the first of the week...oh that's right, took a load of beams to Syracuse, N.Y. -Beautiful country up in that area. Then I went down rt. 15 from Corning, N.Y. to Trout Run, Pa. (near Steam Valley) to pick up a load going back to Lynchburg. That's another of my favorite rides, from Corning down to Williamsport, Pa. All routine, except the load tore my tarp all to pieces. But the next trip, a load of pipes to Paintsville, Ky. was a horse of a different hue. The

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Ditto, Whatever Paul Said Last...

Not too bad a week this week, better'n last week anyhow! I left Sunday going to Orchard Park, then went to Cleveland and picked up a load of coiled wire ( or "welfare wire" as Big Jim calls it ) going to Summerville, S.C. That's just outside of Charleston. Todd took the loads because he had loads going to N.B.Handy in Lynchburg at Nucor Steel in Huger, which is just outside of Charleston. After I unloaded at Handy I could have reloaded a Charlotte load, but I declined because it's race weekend

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At Least The Garden's Growing

Not much good to report. Been at home since Tuesday, but just got a load going to Orchard Park, N.Y. And how about the ticks this year? More around here than i've ever seen. Can't get Diazanon any more, but I tried some other kind of poison and it doesn't seem to have any affect. But everything i've planted so far came up, and the garden is growing like crazy. I put a second picture of the garden, taken from the back porch, because it's raining again-first was taken Friday,second Sunday mornin

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Things Are Really Slow...

I unloaded a load of lumber at Byesville, Ohio Monday morning and deadheaded home-after sitting all day Monday and most of the day yesterday. First time ever there wasn't a load to be found. Another truck was in Hubbard, Oh. and one was sitting at Dallas Pike,W.V. and everybody came back empty. Todd said "if you're gonna sit, you might as well sit at home". I said "yeah, at least I can watch tv until they cut the lights off". I took a few pictures while I was parked at the Go-Mart truckstop- ni

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Secret Mission

Several years ago I was talking to one of P.L.Duncan's drivers in Sparrows Point,Md. I was telling him about my old cement mixer and my love of old trucks, and he told me about all the old trucks Mr. Duncan had, some packed in a building so tight you could hardly walk between them. He said they were all old, and most of them were running. I told myself then, "self, you need to get down there and take a look at those trucks". Well, after about 5 or 6 years, I finally did Friday. It was a great tr

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Ribs Of The Week

I know everybody gits tired of seeing pictures of these delicious and tender slow cooked ribs, but here's todays menu. Had just put them on the grill here...chunks of hickory wood on the charcoal. I actually smoke it over indirect heat for several hours, then smother it in BBQ sauce and wrap it tightly in aluminum foil to finish it. And I saw several of these creatures while I was cooking the ribs, they're sauteeing in the smaller pan, with garlic and butter. The end result... ...and how abou

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This And That...

Hauled a couple of loads this week. I unloaded in Lynchburg Monday morning and went to Moneta and got a load of lumber going to Conneaut Lake, Pa. Then down to Pittsburgh to load steel to Lynchburg. Then got a load of lumber off the yard going to Oberlin and Norwalk, Ohio. Back to Pittsburgh-back to Lynchburg. (yawn...) I did see a gray Mack dump in Pittsburgh-had a "for sale" sign in the window. I actually saw another Mack for sale on rt. 51, but I didn't get a picture. I don't know what model

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Clean Up Time

Amazing how much crap was stuffed in my side boxes!..still is, now it just takes up slightly less space. ...

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Pictures Of The Week

I went to Roxana, reloaded in Calvert City, Ky. for Ambridge, Pa. then loaded in Pittsburgh for Lynchburg. Nothing unusual or exciting, so I took some pictures of it... well, this might be unusual-looks like a broken power pole with the transformer dangling from it. Anyone know what this is? I see lots of them along the road,especially in Pa. This is in W.V. They're purple and triangular-i'm thinking some kind of insect trap. Self explanitory- Ansted, W.V. The old Smith's Transfer terminal

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Rant For The Day

I must be off now-going to Roxana again with piling. Good thing they're building that pipeline from Alberta. Hauling the piling to the refinery has really been good, keeping us a little busy anyway. Haven't been making but one round a week lately, and deadheaded back to Knoxville and Rome, Ga. the last two times I went to Roxana. We lost 2 of our regular hauls lately, the treated lumber out of Moneta and return loads of steel to Roanoke. A large flatbed carrier, like the mickow corporation, cut

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Pest Control

Well, I mowed the grass early this morning, had to wait 'til daylight to finish though, because the batteries went dead in the flashlight. Then I went to Concord and finished putting that hood on the mixer. Don't remember when it was last started, but it fired right up. I dumped about 800 gallons of water out of the drum and let it run about 15 minutes. Then I stopped at Carson's Store and got 2 rolls of chicken wire and made a fence around the garden. The chicken wire was way more expensive t

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What I Saw This Week...

Only made one round this week. Thought I was going to Lisbon, Ohio or Mercer, Pa. with treated lumber Tuesday, so I lollygagged around here in no particular hurry to leave, but when I got to headquarters I had a load going to Roxana, Il. WTF?!! If i'd known that I would have left 2 hours ago! Brought lumber back to Moneta. Some of what I saw along the way- some trucks on rt. 60 in West Virginia this used to be known as "dead man's curve" on rt. 60. Used to be a lot of truck traffic on this

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The Title

I'm running out of titles- might have to go back to stealing Paul's I got out Tuesday and went to Roxana with a 60' load, then deadheaded to Knoxville and picked up 60' rebar going to King George, Va. Can't unload that until Monday, but I have a dentist's appointment Monday too. Even ran into some snow when I left Tuesday-it was snowing off and on most of the way across West Virginia. And I saw a 2-story forklift in Suffolk, Va. last week. And I saw the Volvo plant in Dublin,Va. yesterday.

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Garden Time

I took those two coils to Suffolk Monday morning, but didn't get a load out until Tuesday. I could have loaded in Petersburg Monday, but the load was going to South Plainfield, New Jersey so I whined and cried my way out of it. Had to spend the night in Petersburg though. Then I ended up going to Moneta and loading treated lumber anyway. That went to Mercer, Pa. and I loaded at Masury, Oh. for Roanoke. Then Thursday I loaded more treated lumber going to Alliance and Kent, Ohio. Picked up a big s

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Binness As Usual

Geez, I can't remember anything...oh, it's coming back slowly now. Made three rounds last week for the first time in a while. Took some treated lumber to Akron Thursday and thought I was coming home empty, but got a load out of Malta, Oh. late Friday evening going to Bedford, Va. When I unloaded in Bedford Monday I went to the shop and got a Conestoga and loaded Kyanite for Chester, W.V. Sat all day in Chester after I unloaded Tuesday-didn't have a return load. I did get a load Wednesday going t

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So-so Week

I left here Monday and had to go to Petersburg to load a Roxana, Il. load. That makes a long day. It's about 100 miles east to Petersburg. I didn't get to Roxana until about 3 o'clock Tuesday evening, and didn't get unloaded until Wednesday morning. At least I got a return load out of Granite City, only a few miles from Roxana. Bad part was it was going to Baltimore, scheduled for Friday morning delivery. Then I had a load to pick up in Sparrows Point, about 2 miles from where I unloaded. Good l

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Big Jim In Gator Country

Made my 2 stop deliveries in Oberlin and Vermilion, Oh. then went to Brookfield again and back to Roanoke. Delivered there late Friday night and got to the south Lynchburg truckstop about 2:30 am. Saturday. It's snowing pretty hard here now. Calling for 4 to 6" . Nice to be home on Sunday for a change, especially with the snow coming down-cooking some wings, got beer in the fridge, the race is coming on TV...nice...UNTIL THE POWER WENT OUT! I didn't take any pictures this week but Big Jim

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Off Again

Got home last night, but now i've got to leave again. After I left Roxana Monday I picked up in Calvert City, Ky. going to Neville Island, Pa. then I went to Brookfield, Oh. and loaded for Roanoke. Unloaded yesterday and reloaded treated lumber at the shop.It's a two stop load going to Vermillion and someplace else in Ohio. Both are near Cleveland. I was running short on hours yesterday, so i'll be leaving today...shortly. This is the entrance to the old tunnel on the West Virginia turnpike.

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Catching Up More...

Slacking off a little on the old blog here. Except for sitting for 10 hours Monday waiting to get unloaded in Roxana, Il. I had a pretty good week. I was supposed to pick up a load in Jackson, Tn. and deliver it in Pounding Mill, Va. at 12:30 Tuesday, but it took so long to get unloaded there was no way I could make it. Earliest appointment I could get Wednesday was for 1:30, so then I had time to kill. I could have gotten there about 5:30 or 6:00 Monday, but I stopped at the Davy Crocket trucks

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