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mostly real adventures on the road

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Truckin' Again

Well,I got in one trip this week anyway.Went to Export,Pa. with a load of beams-that's near New Alexandria,but I didn't have time to stop and see Barry.Or more likely,he doesn't have time to fool with me. I had to get over to Malta,Ohio and get a load of cement mixers and everything that goes along with them. Had the trailer loaded from back to front,front to back,side to side-had 2 stacks of plastic bins piled up in the middle to 13' 6",a couple of wheeled carts,and the rest mixers. Unloaded

other dog

other dog

Stir Crazy

Sat home again today.Called Jeff this morning and he told me to stay by the phone,he'd call me back as soon as he found out something about the truck. That was the last I heard from him. I called the shop about 4:00 and Neal said Jeff had already gone home. The truck IS supposed to be ready tomorrow though. I even took Jo out to the Chinese buffet in Altavista because I was driving her crazy,and that's a short trip for her. The orange stuff on a stick was pretty good. Actually everything was g

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Not So Hot...

That's in answer to the question "how's it going?" I'm sitting here waiting for the air conditioner guy-after calling about 4 different places,I finally found one in Altavista that said they'd be here sometime today,but I have no idea when. Called Jeff too. He said the parts for the truck should be in today,so I won't be going anywhere today.Not only was the head gasket blown,they're putting a camshaft in it too because that had a lobe wiped off. He sounded very disgruntled,as there's no wa

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other dog


Well,i'm at home again,until at least Monday-truck's been running hot lately,and i've had it at Carter Cat twice already to have it checked out,and there's nothing wrong with it. It runs at 200+ degrees all the time,bumps 220 on a hill...but there's nothing wrong with it,the fan,thermostats,water pump-working fine I kept telling Jeff it was running way too hot,and he sent me by Cat both times,and when they said there was nothing wrong when I left there Wednesday evening,after wasting a couple

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other dog

Rabbit Hunter And Grill In Action...sorta Kinda

Thought I had the rabbit problem solved,but I guess not.Jobyna said she'd take over the dog's job for their salary,so I said ok-figured she'd eat way less kibbles and bits than they do,but it didn't work out. She was on routine patrol in the back yard when she spotted the enemy ( bunny).She got off a shot but the shotgun's kick knocked her down.She threw her equipment down and said "#$%@ you,I quit!!!" I said "quit?!! you're fired!" So,I guess it's back to the pepper spray. Tried out my new

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other dog

Carolina Bbq Sauce

I'm only here for a little while-hopefully.I've been to Neville Island and went to Ambridge and picked up a load of 60' beams going to Chesapeake,Va. but the truck's been running a little hot so I left it at Carter Cat so they can check it out. Then i'll deliver in Chesapeake,unless they get somebody else to deliver the load,which would be fine with me. Jobyna was moving some stuff around while I was gone and ran across the secret home made barbecue sauce recipe. I've been making it out of my

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other dog

Nothing New

Well,nothing new about trucking anyway except i'm already sad that I have to work tomorrow-Memorial Day I've finally finished a smoker/grill that Kevin started at the shop and never finished.I offered to buy it from him and he said I could have it,and it's been in the backyard for weeks. It's made out of a 55 gallon drum,on a stand. Didn't have any grill grates for it,but I cut off some old oven racks and put them in it. They should work fine for chicken or smoking a boston butt,but smaller th

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Still More Pictures

A few more random photos from the road...the very narrow street in Wheeling,W.V. I delivered a load of 60' beams on, a big Mack truck, Summit racing in Tallmadge,Oh, a B-model near Zelienople,Pa, A yellow fire truck near Sharon,Pa. (it's for sale!), a huge oversize load, a Swift truck that pulled over on the shoulder-except there was no shoulder there, and the old KB-5 that sat in front of the truckstop in Hubbard,Oh. Now it's parked across the road with a "for sale" sign in the window-$7500.

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Hard At It

Speaking of work,i'm still hard at it. I've been to Zelienople,Pa. and back twice this week. Sounds easy enough,but there ain't no easy runs. It's a titanic struggle to get 46,000 lbs. up the road several times a week. Got to Roanoke with 48,000 lbs,3 Metalsa coils, around 6:30 or 7 o'clock Thursday night and figured on getting unloaded and being home early,but sometimes it doesn't pay to figure on anything. I got unloaded about 3:30 am Friday, got to the shop at 5 am and slept until 8,then went

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other dog

Sunday Recap

Got up and read the paper this morning...not much there to be happy about. Tornados and storms,gas keeps going up,Kyle Busch won the race. Then I called Ma and them,it is mother's day. Told her I found the biggest tomato plant in the garden broken off yesterday,with no evidence of dog or human tracks around it. Saw no crop circle either,so it probably wasn't UFO related,and she said it could be the dreaded cutworm. I don't know how it got broken off,but I went out and dusted everything with Sevi

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other dog

Another Busy Week

I left here last Sunday,put my new radio in before I left ( the old Cobra wasn't acting right,but i've had it for 5 years ),and went to Brook Park,Oh. Reloaded at Brookfield and went to Roanoke,then to Dillwyn and on to Fremont,Oh.Then to Brookfield and Roanoke.Then to Moneta and Clarion,Pa. and Brookfield and Roanoke. Got to Roanoke about 6:30 last night and got unloaded at 11:30 So,instead of being home I slept in the truck up at the truckstop just south of Lynchburg. Called Jo at 5:30 this m

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other dog


Got the grass cut this morning,then had to put a fence around the garden to keep these two out of it. They've been trampling,digging,and laying all over it. Otherwise,it's looking pretty good so far. The big dog is not mine-he's lived here as long as I have,and we feed him about 3,000 lbs. of dog food a week,but he's not mine.

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Another Week In The Bag-with Pictures To Prove It!

Another long week,and short weekend coming up. Delivered in Butler,Pa. early Tuesday morning and went to Brookfield and was loaded and ready to go by 10:30 am,figuring i'd get to Roanoke and unload early Tuesday night and come home. But,that all changed when I had to go to Malta,Oh. and make another pickup.Last time I went there and loaded the cement mixers I was empty,this time I had on almost 44,000 lbs. of the big Metalsa coils right in the middle of the trailer,and couldn't make much time on

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Weekend's Over

Sure was nice to get a whole weekend for a change. I just about got the garden finished,planted some corn,pole beans, green beans,16 tomato plants,some green peppers,hot peppers,a couple of squash,and one eggplant. Already had onions,cabbage and garlic planted.Also got the aluminum cans bagged and loaded on the pickup so Jobyna can haul them to Cycle Systems. Should have cut the grass though,now it's raining again. Got to go to the shop and fuel now,then to Moneta to load lumber for Buler,Pa.

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other dog

Lots More Random Photos

All righty then,due to an overwhelming public demand-arrright then,Bollweevil said "if you insist..."-here's more pictures. They're not gonna be in order because I scanned them in a very haphazard manner,but they're all the trucks I drove for H.H.Moore from the '74 transtar to the 9900I,no.s 15 and 55 I drove and drive for F.L.Moore and Sons,the mud bogger in action,my old Nova ( before and after ),my KZ1000 Kawasaki (hey,that's my gold Skylark in the background,forgot about that car-was a good

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Time Marches On....

I heard that Paul Davis passed away this week...most people probably never heard of him,his biggest hit record was "I Go Crazy" but he had several more. I remembered him because he had a song out around 1975 called "Ride 'em Cowboy".Can't really explain it,but but it always made me cry when I heard it. I mean,there I was,19 years old,riding around in my souped up '72 Rally Nova with an AM radio and when Paul Davis came on and sang "Ride 'em Cowboy" i'd cry like a baby. So obviously i'd change th

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Scanning Old Pictures

Went back up the road to Orville,Oh. Thursday. Reloaded at Brookfield,Oh. to Roanoke and unloaded there tonight. Now i'm home. Here's a couple of pictures of one of the Freightliners I used to drive-one at home,the other is at Pharo's truckstop in Shippensburg,Pa. with a load of joists. I also ran across an old article about Jeff's beginning in the trucking business. He started out with a B-model I see. He's come a long way since then. Talked to Joe today about scrap metal,and what it's bri

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More Long Loads

I've made the misery turn,brought 2 coils from Brookfield back to Roanoke,then went to Moneta and loaded treated lumber to Butler,Pa. then to Brookfield and back to Roanoke again.Got that off last night and came home,haven't called headquarters yet to see what's in store for today. Found a couple more pictures of oversize loads I pulled,one's on a pole trailer,the other is on a jeep,or joe dog as we called it,with a steerable dolly under the rear.We had to use the joe dog because the girder

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Once again after a very,very short weekend it's time to get back to work. As soon as I shave and take a shower i'll be leaving. I got some corn and pole beans yesterday and started to plant it but there's a chance of rain through Wednesday so i'm gonna wait-if the ground's too wet the seeds might rot before they come up. Still plenty of time to plant them yet. I'll plant the beans between the corn and let the runners climb the corn stalks. I also bought a container of crushed red pepper and sp

other dog

other dog

Workin' Like A Dawg

Well,I thought I had an easy run for Friday,but like the song says "there ain't no easy run". I left here at 4:45 this morning and got home at 7:30. All I had to do was take a load of pipes to Durham,then load something for Monday delivery. Only thing is there were 7 trucks at the same job,I was number 4 in line,and the loader operator looked like today was the first time he'd ever been on the machine. The loader was big enough to unload the whole stack at one time,but the forks weren't long eno

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Catching Up

Now I can catch up on a few details...put some new kind of fertilizer on the garden when I planted the onions and cabbage,and the dogs have been digging them up faster than I can replant it. I read the bag and it's made with feather meal (?),bone meal,fish meal and blood meal-sounds tasty,no wonder they're digging it up.Anyway,might have to add some black pepper to it as dog repellent. Hit some kind of unidentified creature in the road on rt. 219 when I was going to Orchard Park last week.I

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Checking In

just checking in for a moment,i'll catch everything up this weekend hopefully.It's back to work now,they're trying to run me to death.I've been to Waddy,Ky,Chantilly,Va,Latrobe,Pa,and back to Lynchburg already.Now I 've got to go unload in Lynchburg and probably be off again.Got in late last night,took a shower and got to bed around midnight and didn't get up until 8am. And i'm still tired.

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It's Friday!

Went to the dentist today and Mary the tooth babe said everything was looking good.She sure was...oh,my train of thought derailed for a moment there...uh...oh,got the parts for the tiller and got it going. Planted 8 cabbage plants and a row of onions.None of it's ready to pick yet. That's probably all i'll plant for a while-saw people buying tomato plants today,but they'll probably have to cover them a few nights yet.I'll just wait a while for the tomatoes and squash,let the ground warm up some.

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Day Off?....not Really

I made it to Donora all right with that half a load of kyanite.Made up for the light load with the return load though-brought 5 coils back to Lynchburg that weighed 49,980. All 5 of them that is,not each. That's good,they pay by the weight and the load I took to Donora pays the same as a full load. Then I went to Orchard Park with kyanite,but I didn't have time to go to Fishers and do a surprise building inspection because I had to go to Brookfield,Oh. and load some coils for Metalsa in Roanoke.

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