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Old Dog May Have Extra Life

Seems rumor mill at our station has the 79 CF may be bought local,and used as a reserve piece for our end of the county. Meaning she will be a "show" piece,but when needed by a local dept. she will be "front line" again. Boy I hope that rumor comes true. Some also want to keep here,and do minor "refurb" work and keep her in house for special use or for fire prevention duties,along with back up duties. I for one wanna keep her,and use her for parades,and reserve duties. In the past,with us have



Old Dog Still Shining

As you can tell I am a "fire nut" so to speak. One thing makes me feel so proud is that in our station we have and still is THEE primary protector of my community,and me is our 79 CF. She only goes to fires in our town,and township,but she is taken care of by all like she is fresh from the assembly line floor. Today again she was being wash,some more waxing,armor alled,and tire dressing put on. She sits as thee symbol of our dept. and is loved by all the members. She has taken all that she has b



Luck Folloes Wife

Today the "unlucky" star found the wife. This morning she went out to her car to go make final payment on it,and go to doctors. Well when she got to it discovered someone in probaly and 18 wheeler side swiped her car. bought 1675.00 in repairs needed. This is the 2nd time it was sideswiped while parked. The first time it did 1200.00 in damages but we had witnesses,and tracked the car down,and pressed charges,cause she was still drunk when the cops went to the home,plus beer was in car with some



Lucky Star Keeps Shining

I do not know whop I pissed off in another life time,but things just keep getting better,and better....ROTFLOL. We have severe T-Storms roll through the area overnight. Well get into truck to go to work,and all I got is headlights,and taillights,no other electrical power. I get to work,and pull fuse block out,and all but 2 fuses,and 1 breaker is burned up so to speak. Replaced them all but still had no radio,and gauges. So I go get the electrical guru at work,he opens door,turns on key,and yep y




What a sucky weekend....Found out my standing with spouse.....we go camping every weekend,we have a seasonal site. There was a cruise night on saturday,and we were sitting in front of bandstand,till they started to play. Then my wife,daughter,and I moved up to the stores patio to listen to the music,well we were sitting close together,me rubbing her back. Well I got hunger,so went into store to get food,and when came out,there was a guy sitting in my chair!! So told wife "whats this? she said ju



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