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Cops and Trucker stories

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Okay, I'll Start Thing Off...

A few months ago, a Pa. State Trooper was on patrol on I-76 outside of Philly. At about 5:30am, a USF Holland rig blows by doing 65 in a 55. The Trooper pulls said violater over, and when asked why he was going so fast, the driver replied " Because it won't go any faster". That was the best line the Trooper heard all night. The Holland driver got a warning.



Cop And Trucker Stories And Other Tall Tales

Okay, i know you have them, so let's hear them. Cop and Trucker stories. Been stopped by smokey? Ever helped smokey? Did smokey ever help you? Got a funny story? There has to be a million stories out there. Let's hear 'em! But, no cop bashing, Dunkin' Donuts stories and the like. Smokey might be watchin'.



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