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Macungie Or Bust!

It's Wednesday, June 13th and we are starting to load the truck with our antique parts and other novelties for the Macungie Truck Show! I am really sorry that the chrome shells didn't make it in time to bring to the show, but we will have them soon! We are bringing a ton of other stuff to the show so be sure to stop by and purchase something so our boss keeps sending us every year! :D As I mentioned before, all of you guys that bought our new black t-shirts already and wearing them to the show...stop by our booth and we'll give you a little something for sporting the new shirts!!

Well, we still have a lot to pack...so I gotta get back to work! Hope to see you all there this Saturday!! :thumb:

This is our 18 foot UD that we are currently loading for the show...


This is Shawn marking table displays for the show and you can see Tracy in the Background.



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other dog


Hey Barry, I've never been to Macungie,it's A little far unless I had A load going somewhere in the area,which I seldom do. I was just wondering if you ever went to the ATHS show in Winchester in September?



I haven't been to winchester yet, but I hear it is becoming a bigger show every year! Might have to check it out some day! We need a BMT operative to attend and get some photos until I can make it there!

other dog


I haven't been to winchester yet, but I hear it is becoming a bigger show every year! Might have to check it out some day! We need a BMT operative to attend and get some photos until I can make it there!

Yeah,it's A good show.I usually go and take pictures for Old Bill's site,and he's A BMT member too. I bet he'd be glad to link up with you. I'll volunteer to be the undercover picture taking operative.

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