Ready To Go
the best diesel engine mack has made was?
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I got that old stew pot all clean and ready for it's next mission.I really should have done it yesterday, know how that goes! I sprayed it out with the hose and it came pretty clean,then I scrubbed it and rinsed it,then boiled it out again,dumped it and reseasoned it with Crisco while it was still hot and dry.All I gotta do now is let it cool and put it away.It probably doesn't need to be reseasoned every time,but it can't hurt,as it's used infrequently.That's probably why it cleans easy and i've never had any problem with anything sticking. Now I can finally sit around and relax,which is one of the things I do best,just don't get to do it very much so I need the practice. I need some ear plugs too,'til Jobyna gets done woofing about me using her good dish towel on the stew pot and getting it dirty.Geez,what's she expect me to wipe it down with? I thought that's what they were for! I know-next time i'll use a pillow case,just to show her who's boss around here. If y'all never hear from 'ol otherdog again,you'll know what happened.
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