Bidness As Usual
I went to the eye Dr. Monday,and she said everything was looking good.I have to use eye drops every day for glaucoma. They put drops in my eyes and dilated my pupils,and shined that really bright light in them.Then I went to the shop and picked up a load of beams at the yard going to Export,Pa.It was almost dark when I left the Dr.'s office and I could see pretty good.By the time I chained my load down and left it was full dark,and everything was a little blurry,and every time I met a car their headlights looked like aircraft landing lights.So I made it up to Charmco,WV about 10 pm,decided to take a nap for a couple of hours,and woke up at 6 am. Still got to Export around lunch time.Then went to Macedonia,Oh. and loaded to Roanoke,then took a load of Kyanite to Chester,WV and back to Macedonia and Roanoke.I'm off until Monday morning when I have to go to Tightsqueeze,Va. and load a load of pipeline pipe going to Anderson,S.C. Stopped by Food Lion on the way home yesterday to pick up a few things,and the bill came to $92.22.Even got a turkey to smoke in the old smoker oven-haven't used that in a while.
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