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Any Day Now



Well the doctor told us thursday that she's ready to go any minute. Meaning if she shows any kind of complication or anything they are gonna take them. So here we are setting around waiting just thinking about all the times we were alone at home nobody else to talk to, thinking any minute we could be runnin' to the hospital and coming home with 2 babies. We are definetly ready now, we have the car gassed up and packed ready to go at anytime, only thing I gotta do is put the car seats in and that's it. It's hard to believe how your life can change in just a few years. October 2003 was when we got married didn't have a care in the world I was 18 she was 17, and here we are 4 years later having babies. Time flies, because it just seemes like last month she was telling me the news. I remember the smile on her face and I could just picture mine in my head. Sorry to go on, but it's just crazy how the times fly by so quick. I'll keep everyone updated.


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If you think time is flying now - just wait a short while. It gets worse!!

I'm not sure how time can be any different today than it was for me fifty years ago, but it sure does seem to go faster and faster.

We're all pulling for you and your new family. Best Wishes, and Keep us posted.


Paul Van Scott



What a special time. I remember the time very well, one night in August 41 years ago, my wife woke me up and informed me that her water had broken and it would soon be time to leave for the hospital. We had about a 30 mile ride, at a very leisurely pace. My oldest daughter was born at about 10 am the next morning I remember thinking as I saw her and held her for the first time, that if my wife Shirley wanted a baby she could just have another one because this one was mine. She has her own family now. Treasure this time, take a lot of pictures. As your life gets more and more complicated, my prayer for you is that you will have Godly Wisdom, and that being a dad will just get better and better. James



Thanks guys. Paul, I figured time would only fly by even more after I got older but man it seems like yesterday we just got married. James, I plan on cherishing every moment with them as much as I can. Back in march I was offered a driving job for Schneider over the road and let it go, because of her being pregnant. I didn't wan't my kids to only remember me on the weekends, like i did my dad. Maybe when they get older I could do something like that, but I don't wanna miss the important things like their first walk, talking and just general time period. Thanks guys for the support, JOE.

other dog


Gee...Paul sorta took the words right outa my mouth!

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