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the best diesel engine mack has made was?  

90 members have voted

  1. 1. the best diesel engine mack has made was?

    • Thermodyne
    • Maxidyne
    • Econodyne
    • Magnadyne
    • E6 4V head
    • E7 4V head
    • E9 4V head
    • older ENDT V8 2V head
    • other engine not mentioned

Well it's almost time for the holiday to end and get back to the real world.Gotta leave for Fremont in the morning. I got a letter from DMV this week,and I've got to get the mixer retitled,and pay another $50.My wife's name was on the title as co-owner and since their records indicated that one of the owners was deceased,I have to get a new title and tags. I don't see what difference it makes,but it makes them 50 more dollars. Nobody would have ever caught it ,but a few months ago DMV sent a form to everybody that owned a vehicle with antique tags on it.You had to fill it out and have it notarized before you sent it back,or they'd pull your tags.It just had questions about how you used the vehicle,and if you had another vehicle. Va. law restricts antique vehicle use to club activities,exhibits,tours,parades,test drives and so on,but you can't use it as a daily driver,or to and from work.A lot of people did abuse it,you see beat-up '71 pickups with antique plates on them all the time hauling firewood and beat-up '68 Biscaynes at the grocery store,vehicles people never had any intentions of restoring,or even fixing-vehicles with antique plates don't have to be inspected in Va. either. So,even though I'm good on the usage part,that's how they ran across the name on the title and hit me up for the " one time "$50 fee. :angry: again.


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That's how it always happens.People around here are bad to buy a old beat up tractor and trailer, put farm tags on it and drive it everywhere with no cdl or nothing. They don't get caught, but people like me and you would just start the truck and move a few feet then get busted for sure. I don't see why they need the extra $50.00 besides being greedy, but it should just be switch the title to a single owner and that's it. Just another way to screw the workin' man. I'm sure the meth-monkey's wouldn't have to pay the extra 50.00 though. Have a good one.

other dog


Thanks Joe-hadn't heard from you for so long I thought maybe you'd transferred to an unknown location somewhere near the arctic circle-either that or you were at the hospital.



Not at the hospital yet, but very very close. She's had contractions for the last 2 days. They are slow, but getting faster by the day. No artic circle either, to cold for my blood. Been away from the computer for awhile, don't get on it much at home like I used to, just at work. Not been able to do to good here at work either, with the holidays here everybody's bringing wood in from all over the place and bark sales is going crazy also, trying to run scales, clean-up, make check rounds is harder than I thought it would ever be. Don't worry though when the babies get here you guys will get to see the first pictures :thumb:

other dog


sounds like you work at a wood yard

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