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What a sucky weekend....Found out my standing with spouse.....we go camping every weekend,we have a seasonal site. There was a cruise night on saturday,and we were sitting in front of bandstand,till they started to play. Then my wife,daughter,and I moved up to the stores patio to listen to the music,well we were sitting close together,me rubbing her back. Well I got hunger,so went into store to get food,and when came out,there was a guy sitting in my chair!! So told wife "whats this? she said just go sit on other side of daughter" I'm like damn you could not even save your husband his chair while he goes for food. She got all bent outa shape,and said i was making a scene.(I NEVER raised voice above normal tone). so made comment to guy,and he said should i get up,and I replied naw your to @$%^# ignorant to figure out the chair was taken(chair was tight against wifes),and she was to dumb to save it. She said that they cane up as a family,and well need the chair,and i could sit at other end,and besides he probaly would have took it....YAAAAA Right. Yet there were 3 EMPTY picnic tables behind her. so told her i know where i stand if ya cannot save your husband chair. Well off the deep that time of month end she went again. She does not understand why i got so made and insulted.... :pat::angry: . needless to say kinda still not talking unless have to. Add insult to injury. I fish a great deal,been using same tackle bag for 15 years,only this weekend lost box outta bag that had all my hot lures in it,and did cost run,and had 78.75 worht of lures in it, Bad thing is box floats,so probally 15 miles down stream before noticed it was gone,as I was using different lures that day to try them out. I had slid into a deeeep hole and when got out of it box was there, so waded back across stream,and continued fishing,did not notice it gone till daughter came out,and wanted to fish using those lures,we searched for 2 hours. Even running down stream along path to look for it,no dice. WOW What a Weekend. :(

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Man, you did have a bad weekend! You better make up with the wife or she won't let you bring home anymore bulldogs! "The happiest man is the one with a happy wife at home!"

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