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Another Long Week

Just got home about 7:30 this morning.Could've been in about midnight,but I ran out of power and had to take a nap. The power plant load kinda sucked-it's near Fremont,where I deliver Kyanite regularly, and it paid about $100 more dollars than a Fremont,but when you consider that I had to go to Richmond to load,then go through two separate security checks when I got there-they looked under the hood,in the sideboxes,all the tool boxes on the truck and trailer,in the cab,in the sleeper, then after I went through 2 security gates where you pull in and a gate closes behind you before the one in front opens,they did the complete search all over again-it's just not worth the hassle. I know they're just doing their job too,but since i'm not a criminal it's kind of offensive when they get up inside the cab and sleeper and go through everything...twice.

Then I went to Masury,Oh. Thursday with a load of beams. Everybody hates to go to Masury because the load has to be tarped,winter or summer,even though the beams are stored outside on the ground at Petersburg where we load them. Apparently it somehow gets wetter if it's on a trailer,and it's hard to tarp beams without tearing the tarps up. I didn't cover the ends and still tore several holes in the tarps. After I'd been there about an hour and a half they decided to unload me,and I went on down to Galv-Tech in Pittsburgh and loaded up 5 coils for Handy in Lynchburg and dropped the trailer there this morning. Now i'm home raking leaves...well,i'm going to in a minute...maybe.


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I noticed you hadn't posted on your blog yet and figured you was working a little longer than usual. It's the same way when you go into canada, they go through everything on your truck and in your truck. I don't get that either they make you tarp the load before they will accept it but set it off in a mud hole or drag it through the mud to move it. I guess you get a short weekend this week? Never enough home time I always thought, but the bills will always be there. See Ya JOE

other dog


I noticed you hadn't posted on your blog yet and figured you was working a little longer than usual. It's the same way when you go into canada, they go through everything on your truck and in your truck. I don't get that either they make you tarp the load before they will accept it but set it off in a mud hole or drag it through the mud to move it. I guess you get a short weekend this week? Never enough home time I always thought, but the bills will always be there. See Ya JOE
Hi Joe,how's everything? I'm in until Monday anyway. I've never been to Canada,but i've always wanted to see the country,and Alaska-in the summertime though!

I picked up a load of steel in Connecticut one time that was so rusty it looked like they dug it up off the bottom of the ocean,and they made me tarp it.When I signed the bills I wrote on them "rusty when loaded" and the man was irate because I did. I just told him "well,it's rusty". When I delivered it they put it outside on the ground anyway,so it didn't even need to be tarped in the first place. That's just the way a lot of the #$%@ers are. Just part of the job,but I guess it would drive some people to get'em an AK 47 and go berserk!



Everything's fine, just trying to keep these kids fed. They are up to 4 ounces a feeding, fed 6 times a day, that's 24 ounces per baby x 2 makes it a hell of a lot of milk. and at $30.00 bucks a can the old paycheck don't have far to go. Sorry to go off track, but I've never been to canada but my aunt and uncle took a few loads up there and they actually took the mattress out of the sleeper. My other uncle we'nt to canada for a vacation and the had to be flown out to a cabin 60 miles from civilization. When they drop you off they tell you they'll be back a certain day and that's exactly what happened. Me and dad never had to tarp loads, but man they would unload it in just a swamp like area and set it in the biggest mud hole they could find. I don't blame you for putting it as rusted when loaded, saves your a$$. Just another fine week in truckin' makes you wanna pull your hair out sometimes, but i loved it and can't wait to get started.

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