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Goofing Off

I started raking these knee deep leaves yesterday-perhaps I should have started sooner,like a month ago.Reminds me of West Virginia's snow removal policy. I was forced to stop when the torrential downpour started...when 12 or 13 drops of rain hit me I retreated back inside. So today I tried it again and broke the handle on the rake,but I repaired it with a plastic oar handle from an old inflatable raft I used to have and half a roll of electrical tape. Got them piled up anyway,in several different piles. Now all I gotta do is get them transferred from the yard into the woods,maybe next weekend. Can't do too much in one day, it'd ruin my reputation as a world class slacker. :P


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Several weeks we got our first substantial snow of the season.

Those piles of leaves that I had left in the driveway and in the parking lot went thru the

snowblower just fine. I'm going to remember that for next year!

Paul VS

other dog


Only problem is,I don't have a snow blower!..or snow. If you want to send yours down,i'll mail it right back when I get done blowing the leaves into my neighbor's yard...I mean into the woods.

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