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Crazy Christmas

We'll as the title says it was a crazy christmas. Parker had to have emergency surgery christmas morning, so we had a short lived christmas so to speak. It started on thursday when he started throwing up. We thought he had just got a little virus or something, but it turned into a very bad next few days. We had him at the clinic and they said it was acid reflux, then the hospital said it was a small virus. We took him for a third time to the hospital on christmas eve and I demanded something done immediately or they was gonna have a very bad christmas. They rushed him by ambulance to Childrens Medical center in knoxville, and they said the food was only setting on his stomach and not passing through his digestive system. They told us 1 out of 40 boys will have this problem. The surgery only took about 45 minutes, but man it kills you seeing your 1 month old son having an I.V. put in his little hand. Other than that though we got to spend our holiday together as a family. See Ya guys


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Poor Kid.

I don't think I would handle it very well, if I were in your shoes, either.

Hope things are getting better, and that you and your family can enjoy a very happy and safe New Year.

Paul Van Scott

other dog


Hey Joe,I hope Parker and Paxton are doing well...did you check out the youtube videos yet? I told you they were pretty bad,but everybody has seemed to like them. Makes me want to borrow Teresa's video camera and try it again.Should sound better anyway-I was surprised that little camera of mine picked up the sound as good as it did. Take care,catch you later.



Hey Joe,I hope Parker and Paxton are doing well...did you check out the youtube videos yet? I told you they were pretty bad,but everybody has seemed to like them. Makes me want to borrow Teresa's video camera and try it again.Should sound better anyway-I was surprised that little camera of mine picked up the sound as good as it did. Take care,catch you later.

I got 2 check out the first ones, but not the new ones yet. I brought my laptop to work with me tonight so I will get to watch all of them. The boys are fine know, but I'm coming down with a cold so.... See Ya Later JOE

P.S. I thought the first one was awesome.



Joe, seeing a child of your own in such a situation, gives you a feeling of complete helplessness. You don't have to say that you would gladly have taken his place. Realizing that children are a gift from God, the only way to have enough peace in your heart to get in a truck and drive off each week, is to give them back. God can take care of them a lot better than you can, and when you give them to him to take care of, you can leave them without worrying about them. Before you know it, they will be wanting to go with you. James

other dog


Hey Joe,how's everything? What's Parker and Paxton doing?



Hey Joe,how's everything? What's Parker and Paxton doing?

Just hanging out this week. They have had the sniffles all week, and got to see their first snow. Parker is up to 6 ounces a feeding, so he's caught back up with paxton.

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