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Post Holiday Catch-up

Two of the axle seals that I got a couple of weeks ago at Mack are wrong. By a lot!

That's what I get for cheating everybody out of their Christmas presents so I could buy truck parts.

So I took one of the originals to FleetPride to match them up. In about five minutes I had the right parts.

Good lesson learned. It's a 60 mile round trip at $3.30/gal. for the gas.

Now I open all the boxes before I go home to be sure the parts at least look right.

This old stuff is a little tricky - with different assemblies available when they were new, and new parts numbers

replacing the old numbers, and parts guys who weren't even born when the trucks were new!

Anyway, I got started on the front axle this week, and am continuing on the rear axle.

Next step is to get the frame back on wheels!

Looks like the trickiest part of the whole deal will be reassembling the darn clutch linkage. I have removed the entire pedal

assembly and linkage from the frame - and do you think I can remember how it goes back together?

Not a clue.


Recommended Comments

other dog


not a problem,Paul- just go back and look at the digital pictures you took and printed when you were taking it apart.



not a problem,Paul- just go back and look at the digital pictures you took and printed when you were taking it apart.



other dog


not a problem,Paul- just go back and look at the digital pictures you took and printed when you were taking it apart.



yeah,I thought so too.Glad i'm 500 miles away just the same.
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