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Truckin' Around...

Well it's been 9 days since the last cigarette...but who's counting,right?.. and that was an ultra light-only one all day,while I was fueling up before I left for Orchard Park.

Went to Zelienople and Fremont this week,loaded back to Roanoke out of Macedonia both times. Yesterday I went down to Petersburg and loaded 60' piling going about 10 miles North of Portage, Wisconsin for Monday delivery. Already got a load back to Norfolk out of Crystal Lake,Il. We had about 18-20 loads going up there,most on 53' trailers,but I pull a 48. I put about 3' hanging off the front ( we have headache racks on the trucks,no headboards on the trailers) with about a 9' rear overhang. I could get away with a little extra overhang on the front because the piling is all in one stack in the center of the trailer,so it won't hit the headache rack when I make a turn. Some guys are leaving tomorrow,some Sunday. I think I'm going with the Sunday morning departure.The return load doesn't load until Tuesday,and as the late "Hippie" used to say " everybody can't be first ". I used to leave after church on Sunday going to Boston and Chicago and be there at 7am Monday morning,but that's when I was A young man. If I leave pretty early Sunday I should be able to get it off by Monday evening anyway. And that's something that doesn't really bother me A lot anymore. Sometimes of course A customer may need or want something at 7am and I'll do my best to get it there,but for the most part when I get tired I'm looking for a wide spot and pull over and take a nap. The company I used to drive for,for over 25 years ( until the one A-hole dispatcher came along that I just couldn't get along with,and anybody'll tell ya if ya cain't get along with me,ya cain't get along with yourself! ),would fine you $25 (taken out of your safety bonus) for not delivering at 7 am,whether it needed to be or not. Todd told me when I first went to work for him " I'm more concerned about my trucks arriving somewhere safe and up on the wheels than I am about them being somewhere at 7 am". Makes sense to me. I have unloaded in Fremont,Ohio on Monday morning, sitting there when they opened,loaded back to Lynchburg,Va and was sitting back in Fremont Wednesday morning before they opened,loaded back to Lynchburg out of Sharon,Pa, and was back in Fremont Friday morning when they opened. But if I hadn't unloaded until after lunch every time,it wouldn't have made any difference at the end of the week. I would have still ran 3 Fremonts that week,and that ain't shabby.


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Sounds like you've had a decently busy week. I hate them stupid dispatchers that think you can pull of a miracle to get their on time, they think because their not tired you shouldn't be either. One company dad worked for down here in town had a dispatcher like that and that's why dad and a few others left. Come to find out the dispatcher bought it from the owner, so I believe you know the rest of the story. Congratulations on being smoke free, and good luck.

other dog


Sounds like you've had a decently busy week. I hate them stupid dispatchers that think you can pull of a miracle to get their on time, they think because their not tired you shouldn't be either. One company dad worked for down here in town had a dispatcher like that and that's why dad and a few others left. Come to find out the dispatcher bought it from the owner, so I believe you know the rest of the story. Congratulations on being smoke free, and good luck.
Yes,that is correct-when I first went to work for H.H.Moore his grandsons Jeff and Todd were still in high school. When they were old enough they started driving,local at first,then long distance,so they know the deal.They realize that when they go home at 5 O'clock the drivers still have a days work to get done to deliver the next morning,something a lot of dispatchers seem to think happens by magic.


Sounds like you've had a decently busy week. I hate them stupid dispatchers that think you can pull of a miracle to get their on time, they think because their not tired you shouldn't be either. One company dad worked for down here in town had a dispatcher like that and that's why dad and a few others left. Come to find out the dispatcher bought it from the owner, so I believe you know the rest of the story. Congratulations on being smoke free, and good luck.
Yes,that is correct-when I first went to work for H.H.Moore his grandsons Jeff and Todd were still in high school. When they were old enough they started driving,local at first,then long distance,so they know the deal.They realize that when they go home at 5 O'clock the drivers still have a days work to get done to deliver the next morning,something a lot of dispatchers seem to think happens by magic.

A buddy of mine was a driver for awhile then went to dispatching, and said some of the people in that office talks about drivers like they are dogs.. really pisses me off. I just talked to another buddy of mine and he's in west virginia, said he got off of interstate 81 @ exit 221 then went across hwy 250 into west virginia. He said it was pretty steep hills to get across, have you been through there? I was just wondering if it was as bad as he was letting on. Glad to know your boss realizes how it is not many does. See ya Buddy.

other dog


Sounds like you've had a decently busy week. I hate them stupid dispatchers that think you can pull of a miracle to get their on time, they think because their not tired you shouldn't be either. One company dad worked for down here in town had a dispatcher like that and that's why dad and a few others left. Come to find out the dispatcher bought it from the owner, so I believe you know the rest of the story. Congratulations on being smoke free, and good luck.
Yes,that is correct-when I first went to work for H.H.Moore his grandsons Jeff and Todd were still in high school. When they were old enough they started driving,local at first,then long distance,so they know the deal.They realize that when they go home at 5 O'clock the drivers still have a days work to get done to deliver the next morning,something a lot of dispatchers seem to think happens by magic.

A buddy of mine was a driver for awhile then went to dispatching, and said some of the people in that office talks about drivers like they are dogs.. really pisses me off. I just talked to another buddy of mine and he's in west virginia, said he got off of interstate 81 @ exit 221 then went across hwy 250 into west virginia. He said it was pretty steep hills to get across, have you been through there? I was just wondering if it was as bad as he was letting on. Glad to know your boss realizes how it is not many does. See ya Buddy.

250? from Staunton over into West Virginia? that bad? ha-ha,heck no,I've been across there a few times,it's probably worse! I mentioned going across rt. 33 a while back,250 is as bad or maybe worse than rt.33 as far as steep grades,tight turns, big hills, sharp curves, mountains,..let's see,did I leave anything out?..oh yeah,the sharp turns and mountains-otherwise a nice ride,very scenic. What the heck is he doing over in there? Nobody goes that way,except Big Jim,and he ain't right. Big Jim runs that way fairly often,even though he doesn't have to. I always suspected Big Jim wasn't exactly factory,if you know what I mean, but that's his binness if he wants to travel the road less traveled,not mines!


Believe it or not my friends name is jim. He said he looked at the map and seen that hwy. 250 was leading to the town he was going to so he decided to take it. If you could have heard him going on about it. He said the worst part was it started raining hard and that fog was heavy so he was having a rough night all together. I'm trying to get ahold of him to see excatly where he was going to and I'll let you know.

Just talked to him he was in beverly at a armstrong wood plant.

other dog


Believe it or not my friends name is jim. He said he looked at the map and seen that hwy. 250 was leading to the town he was going to so he decided to take it. If you could have heard him going on about it. He said the worst part was it started raining hard and that fog was heavy so he was having a rough night all together. I'm trying to get ahold of him to see excatly where he was going to and I'll let you know.

Just talked to him he was in beverly at a armstrong wood plant.

I've been by a hardwood flooring plant over between Beverly and Elkins,that might be where he is.


One of my early excursions in a truck involved rt 250. I had taken a load of ice-packed chickens to Moorfield W. VA, and upon calling in, I found that my next pickup was at Farmdale Ohio. Hey, I said, you know we don't have permits for Pa. Just look on your map and find yourself a way across the Allegheny front. Ha, at the time I wasn't sure that the folks in Littleton had ever seen a tractor trailer before. Maybe they had just never seen anyone driving on the sidewalk. My first little truck was a 4070B IH, with a 144 in, wheelbase, coupled with a 42.6 reefer trailer. I had to use three sidewalks and barely missed a light pole. I have to say that the road did not get reeeal steep until after Littleton. Everyone should try it once.

other dog


One of my early excursions in a truck involved rt 250. I had taken a load of ice-packed chickens to Moorfield W. VA, and upon calling in, I found that my next pickup was at Farmdale Ohio. Hey, I said, you know we don't have permits for Pa. Just look on your map and find yourself a way across the Allegheny front. Ha, at the time I wasn't sure that the folks in Littleton had ever seen a tractor trailer before. Maybe they had just never seen anyone driving on the sidewalk. My first little truck was a 4070B IH, with a 144 in, wheelbase, coupled with a 42.6 reefer trailer. I had to use three sidewalks and barely missed a light pole. I have to say that the road did not get reeeal steep until after Littleton. Everyone should try it once.

I had to get my road atlas out and look Littleton up- I know exactly where you're talking about. Years ago,when I was young and dumb,as opposed to now being old and dumb,I left either Martins Ferry,Oh. or maybe Beech Bottom,W.V. and decided to run 250 from Moundsville down to 79,just to check it out. I was driving an F-model Mack pulling a 42' flat bed with a load of coils. Shortly after leaving Moundsville,climbing up a steep mountain,I started to wonder if i'd made a wise decision when the road disappeared.It looked like it just ended,and if I kept going i'd just drive off the cliff into space,like Thelma and Louise. I thought " what the ...",then I looked out of the passenger side window and saw the road again,a tight hairpin curve to the right while climbing steeply at the same time. Then after a while I got to this town and had a time making that turn -a hard left the way I was going -I didn't remember the name of the town,but it was up in that area so i'm pretty sure that's the place. Once I finally got to 79 I said I wouldn't go back across there bobtailing.

But as far as 250 goes,i'd say the crookedest and steepest part is between Churchville and Monterey,Va. You'd like going to Moorefield now-55 across the mountain from Baker is a four lane 65 mph superslab now. I run up 259 from Broadway then 55 to Moorefield and go 220 north pretty regularly now,and it's all good road. 259 used to be so narrow you had to hit the shoulder if you met another truck,or you'd likely get your mirror knocked off.

There's still a steady stream of chicken and turkey trucks running across there to Moorefield. They have the four lane finished to Wardensville and it's supposed to eventually go to I-81,somewhere around Strasburg I think,but that parts not finished yet.

You're exactly right though,everybody should experience something like that at least once. I think these guys that start out hauling coal in the hills,or logs or pulpwood out of the woods end up being the best truck drivers,unlike the swift,werner,u.s.express,etc. ( they're all pretty much the same ) that after 2 weeks of truck driving school only think they are.

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