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Friday nite, and just leaving the office for home.

I think I finally have most of the big pieces for the reassembly of my B-67 frame and axles.

I did go with the ACE Superide air suspension crossmember. Thought about what Tom Gannaway told me

about making my own, but I couldn't get comfortable with pulling a loaded trailer. And he agreed that his design would need some reworking for pulling a trailer.

The springs are being re-arched and getting new center bolts and U-bolts. and a couple of new leafs in one stack.

And, with any luck, I will get my brake shoes back tomorrow with the third set of new linings. Hopefully with no

cracks this time.

The front axle got sandblasted and epoxy primed this week. The brake cans on the front axle appear to be solid and in good working order. So I think I will just replace the diaphragms and the springs, and paint them up well for protection.

Got tires and wheels ordered this week, too.

Going with new Goodyear G-244's on the drive axle. 12.00 x 22.5 tubeless radials. It's the tallest 22.5 tire I could find that would fit the wheels. Will need to go with 4" spacers I think, if the wheel studs are long enough. Steers are also a Goodyear tire.

Doing the math, at a 43.5" tire height, with my original 4.28 gear ratio and the overgear, the truck should be good for about 75 mph in high gear at 2100 headed downhill. Plenty for a comfortable 65 to 70 mph highway cruise speed at about 1850 or 1900 rpm. With the duplex nine speed, rather one of the triplexes, the truck will probably be suitable only for very light loads.

And, I guess at 45 years old, that's okay.


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Sound like your making some nice progress. I dread having the brakes done on my '52 f-6 they have to be sent off to be redone or take them to a shop. How much does it cost to have shoes redone?




I didn't think the price was too bad for having all four shoes relined.

Not sure about the your Ford truck, but on the Mack the linings bolt on, and the material

is pretty fragile. It's easy to crack the new linings with the wrong torque, or uneven

tightening, or poor preparation of the shoe itself. So I decided to let the experts do it.

I think the total cost was about $200.00 for the rear axle.

Replacing the linings is probably easy enough, if you have the proper level of training

or practice. I don't, so I sent them out. And I'm glad I did.

The experts are on their third set of linings on one pair of shoes! Apparently, it's not as easy as it looks.


Paul VS

other dog


things might be altogether different now,but when I worked at Cumberland Auto Service from '74-77 we had a brake relining machine that was a pedal operated air machine,and all you did was put the rivets in the hole,lined the rivets up in the machine and worked from the center out to the ends of the shoe-put the rivets in,line it up ,step on the pedal,brad the rivets,move to the next hole outward-you're done. I did it as a teen ager and never remember a lining cracking,you started in the center and worked outward like tightening down a cylinder head.That doesn't mean I know anything...maybe it just means i'm getting old and relining old shoes just isn't done that much anymore.

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