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It's Tuesday night, snowy, cold and starting to look like winter - again.

At least it feels right.

We (my uncle & I) have been cooperating on trying to sell a late model (2000) Peterbilt 379EXHD

tractor that the company owns. It's a big power tractor (C-16 Cat 600 hp) that Jim bought from one of the

Owner/Operators with three trailers that he needed.

So we have been listed on E-bay and now in the TruckPaper Online. It's amazing to me how many flakes

there are out there. The number of calls we have gotten from people who claim to be sending a deposit, or

"coming to New York to see the truck" is phenomenal. This truck was supposedly sold before I listed it on E-bay.

That fell through for lack of financing. Then there was a bid on E-bay that we would have taken, and the buyer simply

vanished! And the guy from Virginia, and the guy from Iowa, and the guy from New Jersey and on and on.....

I guess that the world is really full of dreamers.

So the decision was made to keep the truck - at least for now. It's a pretty nice one. And we know the entire history,

it's a low mileage tractor and has a factory warranty on the engine. How bad can it be?

Jim is pretty much retired, and has decided to offer his specialized heavy haul spec'd four axle Freightliner up for sale

with a large (100t) jeep trailer and stinger assembly. That might seperate the real buyers from the wannabees.

The people in that really specialized heavy haul business are a pretty small group, and they all know each other.

Just figuring out how to put the whole thing together takes a pretty fair amount of experience. And maybe we won't show

any photos of the whole rig hooked up. We'll just leave it decked up on the trailer in a pile. If you know what you're

looking for, it won't be a problem for you to figure it out. If you don't - don't bother calling!

Ah, I love winter - I get real sarcastic after being shut-in for a couple of days.

Good Night All!

Paul Van Scott


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