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Sort Of An Apology

So, I didn't mean to be all that sarcastic yesterday with my blog entry.

If I offended anybody - I apologize, as long as you haven't called me about the Peterbilt and promisd to send a deposit!

Anyway, I picked up my springs from the spring shop today for the B-67. Brand new rear springs and re-arched front springs. Pretty nice. Apparently the center bolt holes were all rotted out in the old back spring stacks, and several leaves were broken. Got new U-bolts and nuts too. At the age of my truck, new nuts are a good thing.

Hope to have the air suspension cross member this week, and I can start to reassemble the frame and axles. Then it's on to the air system, fuel lines and wiring on the frame.

The transmission is epoxy primed and ready for the covers to come off and get a good inspection. It was out of a working truck and wasn't making any weird noises or leaking, so I hope it's OK.

The engine is all pressure washed and ready for the motor magician to give it a good once over. Same situation, I've had the engine running several times up to temperature. No leaks, no oil in the water, no water in the oil and no oil from the breather tube. Runs smooth with no knocks or noises, so I hope it's alright, too. Then it heads to the paint bay. Going to try epoxy primer at the recommendation of the paint rep.

I'm going to need to do cab surgery soon. Been putting it off for a long time because it doesn't look like any fun. I need to replace the concave back cab panel or at least the rear window opening. Apparently the rear window seal has been leaking for years. And the right rear cab corner has been jacknifed some time in its life, and is pretty toasty. Got a perfect back panel and roof from Kevin All at AllMacks. Now I just need to get up the nerve to cut them.

Another day.

Paul Van Scott


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Paul, I don't' see how you could owe anyone an apology. A lot of people would like to have a clean late model truck with a big engine. They just don't want to start with nothing but a dream, and work their way up to it. Sounds like your biggest challenge now is getting started. So, jump on it. Take a lot of pictures so we can look at it through your eyes. Something that is that much fun, should be shared. James

David Smith


Paul, I don't' see how you could owe anyone an apology. A lot of people would like to have a clean late model truck with a big engine. They just don't want to start with nothing but a dream, and work their way up to it. Sounds like your biggest challenge now is getting started. So, jump on it. Take a lot of pictures so we can look at it through your eyes. Something that is that much fun, should be shared. James
David Smith


Paul, I don't' see how you could owe anyone an apology. A lot of people would like to have a clean late model truck with a big engine. They just don't want to start with nothing but a dream, and work their way up to it. Sounds like your biggest challenge now is getting started. So, jump on it. Take a lot of pictures so we can look at it through your eyes. Something that is that much fun, should be shared. James

Mr. Van Scott, I have enjoyed reading your blog. Isn't it amazing how many nut-cases will show up when you're trying to sell a big truck? I think they probably ruin about half the truck auctions on e-bay. Please post some pictures as you re-assemble your truck. By the way, Other Dog, amen to your remarks about illegal vs. legal immigrants. Also, I have worn nothing but Red-Wing boots since 1965. We need to look after ourselves in this country for a change. David M. Smith.



Thanks guys.

We're kind of excited about the big Peterbilt staying right here.

I think the C-16 engine and the driveline/axle set-up fits our operation

pretty well.

I was venting about the number of people who would deliberately lie about buying the truck.

If a guy wants to talk trucks, and tells me so, I'll talk all night! Just don't lead me on - I'm too old and ornery!

David, you're right about buying everyday things made in this country, as well as the big purchases like trucks and cars.

I deliberately try to buy my clothes, shoes, food and anything I can from manufacturers right here. It's getting harder to do, but I believe that it is the only way our real economy can thrive. (As compared to our "political economy" which is based on whatever story someone feels like printing)

As I have said before, I run my family's building business. The construction industry has been pretty much insulated from import goods - but that is changing fast. We now see Japanese toilets, among other things. That seems a little unecessary!

Much of our raw material comes from Canada, which is quite a bit more tolerable, at least to me, although the end result is exactly the same as buying overseas goods.

Interesting to note that with the rising cost of fuel and the uncertain economy, there seems to be fewer trucks rolling.

We live within earshot of I-90 (NYS Thruway), and just over the past few weeks, there is far less truck noise at night than there has been in the past. That cannot be good. (By the way - this is definitely not a scientific study)

Every one of those loads rolling by represents commerce. Any reduction doesn't bode well for our near term future.

Thanks for letting me ramble and vent. BMT should collect fees as a "therapist".

And, if I can figure how, I will set up a gallery of some of the heavy hauling equipment the company has.

As for the B-67, I've been keeping a good photo log of the progress, and will post those at "milestone" points throughout the process. That truck is coming along good, and I have committed it to Barry's September show. So I need to keep moving it along.



No need to apologize Paul, that's the way it is nowadays everybody will ring your phone off the hook to ask 150 questions and don't even plan on buying the truck. It's like today I put my '52 ford on the swap shop this morning and not even 20 minutes later there was all kinds of people calling me wanting to know this and that. Out of 8 or 9 calls only one person made me an offer on it. Kinda ticked me off to. Sonds like that truck is specd. out nice. Glad too see the B-67 is coming along nicely. See Ya JOE

other dog


Hi Paul, haven't heard from you in a while,i've been out and about. About that Peterbilt, - ...oh...well..,never mind then. :D



Hi Paul, haven't heard from you in a while,i've been out and about. About that Peterbilt, - ...oh...well..,never mind then. :D

You're going to have to move quick if you want the big Peterbilt.

Looks like it's going to a new home in Oklahoma. (hopefully!)

It seems that we have finally met up with a real serious truck buyer.


Paul VS

other dog


Hi Paul, haven't heard from you in a while,i've been out and about. About that Peterbilt, - ...oh...well..,never mind then. :D

You're going to have to move quick if you want the big Peterbilt.

Looks like it's going to a new home in Oklahoma. (hopefully!)

It seems that we have finally met up with a real serious truck buyer.


Paul VS

That's OK-i'm like the old saying "too broke to pay attention"

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