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More Parts

Got a call from Yellow Freight today.

My air ride crossmember is here from A.C.E. in California.

Now I'm really getting excited.

I got the springs back last week. The rear end is still waiting for one pair of relined brake shoes, then it's done.

The frame, front axle, radiator supports, transmission and mounts, and fuel tanks, brackets and hangers are all sandblasted and epoxy primed.

Still need to blast and prime the rear end.

I'll reassemble, plumb and wire, and re-fit and align everything, then disassemble it all for final painting.

When the frame is done and the engine and transmission are in place, I will start on the final cab work.

Got a few ideas for noise and sound attenuation. Like spray-on ceramic insulation. (LizardSkin) Got the idea from the experimental airplane people.

With the engine half in the cab - this B-67 needs all the help with noise and heat it can get.

The bank account is getting worked over pretty good. So I've got to quit spending money and go to work on the old girl.

So far I'm real happy with all of the parts and services I've gotten.

(Except maybe that pair of brake shoes, which are on their third attempt at relining).

Time to get Dirty!


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