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Update B-67 Vol. #1: Entry 02/07/08

Top that title Tom!

Anyway, Joe asked how the B-67 was progressing.

The answer is quite well, Thanks.

We have the ACE air ride crossmember in hand. Nice piece of equipment.

And we have the new springs back from the shop.

The rear axle is completely rebuilt except for one pair of pesky brake shoes, which the relining

company now is refusing to do, although I paid for them. So I'm doing those myself.

The engine has to be looked over by a local retired master mechanic, along with the transmission

of choice. I believe that both are good, healthy pieces of equipment.

The frame, axles and suspension reassembly is underway. Should be rolling within 30 days.

Then we will plumb and wire the chassis, before setting the engine & transmission in place.

No progress on the cab surgery, although I now have a Plan A and a Plan B.

So all in all things are moving along pretty well Joe.

Thanks for asking. How are the kids?

Paul VS


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Thanks for the update Paul. The boys are doing great, growing like weeds, but great. Thanks for askimg and it sounds like your progressing nicely.

other dog


I can't top that title Paul,you're engaging in a battle of wits with an unarmed man if you think I could,so i'm just gonna surrender now.

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