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A B-61

the best diesel engine mack has made was?  

90 members have voted

  1. 1. the best diesel engine mack has made was?

    • Thermodyne
    • Maxidyne
    • Econodyne
    • Magnadyne
    • E6 4V head
    • E7 4V head
    • E9 4V head
    • older ENDT V8 2V head
    • other engine not mentioned

I went to Appomattox to see Jeff and Teresa today.Took the back roads and stopped to look at a B-model i'd seen a long time ago.It was sitting in a field near a row of trailers,back off the road a quarter of a mile or so. All you could see was the back of the cab,but I could tell it was a B-model Mack. I said I was going to stop someday,and today was the day. An elderly lady came to the door when I knocked and she said I was welcome to look it over.I asked if it was for sale,and she said " it probably is ". You could tell it's been there a while,and I didn't examine it real-real close but it looked pretty solid. I was impressed when I looked inside,it looked better than I would have expected from the outside.It's a B-61 with a quadruplex,I don't know what year.I'm gonna post the pictures in my album,and if anybody wants me to check into it further i'll be glad to . I told the nice lady that I couldn't afford to pay attention when she said it was probably for sale,but someone else might be interested. Oh,I also saw a White Compact in a field,and A Transtar International grain truck in another field,so I stopped and took pictures of them too. Good day to be outstanding in a field I guess. :pat:

Yes Paul,a tandem like this,in these colors would look good with your name on it.


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That looks like a pretty good B-61.

Any idea if it will run? Or what it might be bought for?

Paul VS

other dog



That looks like a pretty good B-61.

Any idea if it will run? Or what it might be bought for?

Paul VS

No Paul,I don't have any idea about either one.It is a pretty solid looking old truck,has a big winch on it too.The keys were in the switch though. I just talked to the woman who answered the door,didn't see anyone else around.I'll try to find out if you want me to look into it.



Don't tempt me.

I need to get one done before I can even think about getting any more!

And I have a few more projects waiting for their turn in the shop.

Although I would like to have a tandem tractor.......

Seriously, it really does look like a decent project for somebody.

I've kind of got it in my head to build a B model straight truck with about an 18' van body.

In the van I'd like to put a mobile shop with a generator and air compressor, long (18' x 2') bench with

a compound miter saw; set up a table saw at the same height as the bench; maybe a planer too, put tool storage cabinets

under the full length of the bench, and lumber/ladder storage racks above the bench; install a lift gate and

use the whole thing as a onsite shop for my brother and myself.

It would also be a fantastic advertising tool for us. And we wouldn't need the gas guzzling pick-ups just to go back and forth to work.

It's actually a pretty realistic idea. We would like to shrink the company a bit, and go back to being more "hands-on".

Getting smaller - an idea that is looking better every day, is our idea of getting back to having some fun with our business.

Think about it - wouldn't it be very cool to have a real nice B-67 with a lowboy and maybe a flat trailer to move the larger stuff;

and a really nice straight truck to move the tools and smaller equipment needed onsite everyday for construction.

Then maybe a single axle B model dump truck to round out the fleet.

Can't get any better advertising - people would identify the trucks with your business immediately,

And - as long as they aren't broken down on the side of the road, that's a good thing.

Have a good night!



That's not a bad looking truck at all. I like that idea Paul would be nice with setups like that.

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