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Saturday Update

Spent today cleaning and polishing the interior of the 379 Peterbilt.

Even though I think the truck is a little too gaudy for my tastes, if I was

going to spend any amount of time on the road in a truck - it would be a good way to go.

The big Ultracab bunk with the queen size fold down bed and the nice seating, refrigerator

and TV are sure a lot nicer than any truck I've ever driven. It's got closet space and plenty of

interior lights. I was pretty impressed.

Anyway, the prospective buyer is coming here on Monday from Oklahoma, hopefully to close the deal.

The B-67 cab project is coming along. At least the pieces are being put together, rather than

being cut apart. The donor cab parts are all in the sandblasting booth tonite. And, so far, I'm

pretty happy with the results.

It's March in western New York. Got about seven or eight inches of heavy, wet snow then

a full day of freezing rain and now the wind is picking up and it's supposed to get quite a lot

colder overnite. Should make for really nice icy, sloppy, greasy roads.

Tomorrow looks about the same. So does Monday and Tuesday.

Think I'm going to crawl back in my hole and hide for a few days.


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Here in east tenn. we had a few 65 degree days earlier this week thenrain yesterday that turned to snow this morning. Hardly any accumulation though. Those 379's are nice trucks, hope the deal goes through alright. When do you think the b-model will be done? If your like I am with the suburban you'll keep it off the road when there's alot of salt....lol. Good luck Paul and try to stay warm!!

other dog


I like the 379 I drive, especially when that Cat runs like it's supposed to. I don't have a TV in it,I bought a cheap one with a 5'' screen once but leave it at home. Usually when the wheels stop turning I go to sleep. I sure do like the refrigerator though,it saves me a lot of money on food. It's parked out here in the driveway now,and it could use a good interior cleaning too,so maybe when you get done with yours...



Tom, I would like to make one good long trip in this 379. It just sems like a comfortable way to ride.


Joe, I have committed both the B-67 and my H-63 to the Watt's Mack show in September.

The intent is to drive the B with the lowboy, and put the H on the trailer. The H will not be running, or even under resto at that point.

If I get real ambitious, I might get the R-600 ready, and drive that instead, with both of the others on the trailer.

The R needs rockers and paint, and it's ready to go.

Paul VS

other dog


I noticed it has the windows in the sleeper. I always leave the curtain down on the passenger side,if you have to blind side back that window comes in real handy sometimes. You can use the power mirror at first,then when you get jacked around too far you can look through the sleeper window and see the back of the trailer. Real nice.



I noticed it has the windows in the sleeper. I always leave the curtain down on the passenger side,if you have to blind side back that window comes in real handy sometimes. You can use the power mirror at first,then when you get jacked around too far you can look through the sleeper window and see the back of the trailer. Real nice.

Tom, I thought the same thing - pretty handy to be able to see out that window when blind side backing.

Do you use an electric right mirror too?

That's also handy - we use them on the heavy tractors, along with extendable mirrors to see around some of the fat loads.

I didn't how common the electric mirrors were today.

other dog


yeah,this Pete has two electric mirrors,usually i'd just have one on the passenger side-really handy.



It's still here! The Peterbilt that wouldn't leave!!

Apparently the prospective buyer has not been able to finalize his lease with Landstar,

so we have given him a couple of days to put his job in order.

Husband & wife did fly up from Oklahoma to look it over and liked what they saw, but we just couldn't close the sale.

There is a good possibility that we will be re-listing the truck for sale shortly.

Anyway, Tom what are you doing home today?

Paul VS

other dog


It's still here! The Peterbilt that wouldn't leave!!

Apparently the prospective buyer has not been able to finalize his lease with Landstar,

so we have given him a couple of days to put his job in order.

Husband & wife did fly up from Oklahoma to look it over and liked what they saw, but we just couldn't close the sale.

There is a good possibility that we will be re-listing the truck for sale shortly.

Anyway, Tom what are you doing home today?

Paul VS

2 reasons-we had no loads,and I've got a dr. appointment tomorrow anyway. There sure is a lot of stuff on trucks now that used to be unheard of-power steering,power mirrors,heated mirrors,engine brakes,heated seats,swiveling seats,refrigerators,microwaves,satellite radio,500+ hp...and many more i'm sure.
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