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Happy Easter

Good News -

Picked up my rebuilt rear axle yesterday and brought it in the shop.

Then I organized all of the big pieces so I can begin reassembling the frame and suspension,

and get this whole unit back on wheels.

The snow's melting and it's warming up, which means that time's running out.

Gotta get moving!

Thought I was going to buy a new set of 12.00 x 22.5 drive tires - but now with all brand new stock

length wheel studs, I'm not so sure. The additional height of the 12.00 tires would be nice,

but with the overdrive duplex and the higher ratio rear end - it probably isn't necessary.

To use the 12.00 rubber, I would need to use a longer wheel stud and a wider wheel spacer.

If I do the math, with the gears, transmission and 11.00 (normal) size rubber, it's built for

76 mph, which is faster than the old truck should go anyway. And a whole lot faster than the

old driver should even think about.

Got the brake linings straightened out, after a good amount of sanding on the cast brake shoes.

Used a wide belt sanding machine with a flat platen and an adjustable tool stop, so I could hold a perfect

90 degree angle and get the shoe truly flat. Worked good.


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other dog


That is good news Paul,and happy Easter to you and yours also. If you miscalculated and get your doors blown off on the New York thruway by a B-53 cement mixer screaming by at about 53 mph,don't be complaining later-be sure to double check those figures.

I don't think you have to worry about that though.I got some good news too-I got a tax refund so I asked Todd about getting some used tires so cheap I thought i'd stolen them. He said "or so cheap somebody will pay you to haul them off". I said "that'd be nice",so he said he'd get Jimmy to pull some out. I asked how much it would cost me and he said "I ain't worried about that,if you need 8 tires,get 'em". So I took that to mean I could have 8 used tires. Jeff has 8 wheels I can run tubeless tires on for $100,so I came out pretty good. They'll be 11-22.5 s,shorter than the 14.00-20s I got now so it'll cut my top end down to about 50 probably,but it should drive much better than those tube type recaps I got now that feel like footballs. :D

other dog


That is good news Paul,and happy Easter to you and yours also. If you miscalculated and get your doors blown off on the New York thruway by a B-53 cement mixer screaming by at about 53 mph,don't be complaining later-be sure to double check those figures.

I don't think you have to worry about that though.I got some good news too-I got a tax refund so I asked Todd about getting some used tires so cheap I thought i'd stolen them. He said "or so cheap somebody will pay you to haul them off". I said "that'd be nice",so he said he'd get Jimmy to pull some out. I asked how much it would cost me and he said "I ain't worried about that,if you need 8 tires,get 'em". So I took that to mean I could have 8 used tires. Jeff has 8 wheels I can run tubeless tires on for $100,so I came out pretty good. They'll be 11-22.5 s,shorter than the 14.00-20s I got now so it'll cut my top end down to about 50 probably,but it should drive much better than those tube type recaps I got now that feel like footballs. :D

well....dang it!!!my computer said there was a satellite outage when I went to post reply,so I tried it again and now once again i've got two of the same thing,don't know how to delete the second one...par for the course in other words..I might have halfheimers or something.



Hapy easter paul. If my old ford could make it that far I would meet up with otherdog in virginia and we could race his mixer against my ford.....lol. Glad to hear she's progressing nicely and hope you took alot of pics along the way, because you could make an awesome build thread. How about some progress pics atleast. Good luck buddy



Thanks guys. Picture soon, I promise.

Tom you will love the new tubeless radial ride. And the price is about as right as right gets.

Be nice on the steer axle too. If you dare to push your luck!

Too bad about the speed though. Ah well - guess I'll have to throw you a rope on the way by.


other dog


Thanks guys. Picture soon, I promise.

Tom you will love the new tubeless radial ride. And the price is about as right as right gets.

Be nice on the steer axle too. If you dare to push your luck!

Too bad about the speed though. Ah well - guess I'll have to throw you a rope on the way by.


Just don't get one of those ropes with a lot of stretch-I don't want to be like "Tater" in the old Jerry Clower joke "Tater and the Moped",when Tater gets his suspenders hung on the mirror of the Cadillac.
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