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The Week In Review

Interesting week.

Weather is getting steadily better. Snow's almost gone.

I like these days - you can really feel the change coming, even though it's still only

15 or 20 degrees at night. It gets to 40 or so during the day. And when the

sun shines, it really seems to shine bright.

Not much Mack truck news this week. But we did get paid for the 2000 379 Peterbilt,

and got a pleasant surprise when a fellow from Indianopolis showed up, like he said he would,

and paid for, and took, a road worn 379 Pete that we inherited with a bad engine last fall.

I like it when guys show up with their own wrecker - it's a good sign!!

Got some bad news this week, coupled with some not so bad news, and ended with pretty good news.

1st - we learned that we are losing our truck shop space. Some of you know that we rent the space from a

good friend on a month to month basis, with the understanding that the adjacent business may expand at some

point in time. Well - I guess it's that time! That's the bad news.

Hard to believe that I have been in that space for about three years.

When I took it, I told Gary I needed it for maybe three months to restore the B-67. He laughed. He must have known better.

Anyway - we are moving around to the back of the complex to a bigger and even better lit space, on the same temporary basis.

Should give me plenty of time to finish my B-67 and get the lowboy sandblasted, redecked and painted.

That's the not so bad news.

And the good news is - This little truck hobby is pretty fun, and it's working out okay. So we (my Uncle Jim Schreiner and I) have

decided to start the process of acquiring some land and building our own building.

And it looks like we have several options. All of the land choices have direct access to a state highway and are within a couple of miles

of a NYS Thruway exit, so the heavy haul equipment can go with us for economy's sake.

Hope to get the back axle sandblasted and primed this week. And get the cab surgery moved along so I have just one cab to look at,

rather than a couple of cut apart pieces.

Onward and Upward.


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Glad to hear you got the Peterbilt sold. I wish I could find a shop to rent closeby. My 30 by 30 garage might be enough room for some, but between my 69 chevy and everything else in the free world stuffed in there I'm cramped for space. I told amber if I ever got the money I would build a shop big enough for a class 8 truck. Anyway, I hope everything works out nice for your cab and good luck

other dog


Hey Paul,sounds like you got it going your way. One little thing,if you're thinking of building your own building you might check with Van Scott Builders-they're somewhere in your area,and from everything i've ever heard they'd be some fine people to deal with and would probably treat you right.

Just a thought... Tom



Hey Paul,sounds like you got it going your way. One little thing,if you're thinking of building your own building you might check with Van Scott Builders-they're somewhere in your area,and from everything i've ever heard they'd be some fine people to deal with and would probably treat you right.

Just a thought... Tom

I've tried dealing with those guys - they're tough!

other dog


Hey Paul,sounds like you got it going your way. One little thing,if you're thinking of building your own building you might check with Van Scott Builders-they're somewhere in your area,and from everything i've ever heard they'd be some fine people to deal with and would probably treat you right.

Just a thought... Tom

I've tried dealing with those guys - they're tough!

Well,they say it's all in who you know-maybe I can put in a good word for you.
other dog


Glad to hear you got the Peterbilt sold. I wish I could find a shop to rent closeby. My 30 by 30 garage might be enough room for some, but between my 69 chevy and everything else in the free world stuffed in there I'm cramped for space. I told amber if I ever got the money I would build a shop big enough for a class 8 truck. Anyway, I hope everything works out nice for your cab and good luck
I have a 24 x 24 space for rent,soon as I clean out a spot...that's inches by the way,not feets.
other dog


Hey Paul,sounds like you got it going your way. One little thing,if you're thinking of building your own building you might check with Van Scott Builders-they're somewhere in your area,and from everything i've ever heard they'd be some fine people to deal with and would probably treat you right.

Just a thought... Tom

I've tried dealing with those guys - they're tough!

Well,they say it's all in who you know-maybe I can put in a good word for you.Or here's another possibility.


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