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Saturday, Again

Another week gone by too fast. Seems to be a pattern.

Anyway, we are reviewing all of our building options, including taking a long term lease on the

new space available to us where we are currently located. There are some real advantages there - we get

free use of the huge paint bay, the sand blast facility and whatever help we might need for

assistance and specialized shop equipment. The complex is basically the home of Pooler Enterprises,

which is a huge excavating and site development company.

Their heavy equipment shop is right next door. The guys love our old trucks. (or they think we're really nuts!)

And these guys are excellent mechanics, so it has worked out really well.

The expanding business that wants our current space is a tenant of Pooler's in the complex.

I am also doing all of my homework on what type of building would be best, and how would we

configure the structure, if we were to go forward with building plans. I looked at several parcels

of land this week. It's a good time to buy land here right now, with the depressed real estate market.

The 2000 Peterbilt 379 that wouldn't leave finally did leave late last night. So my Mack can spread out again,

all over the shop floor. I should be able to get some fresh photos this week. And I guess I need to change

my avatar on the forums, as the truck in the picture no longer belongs to me.

Like the man says - Nothing but Fun!


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Sounds like your having nothing but fun. Real estate has really bottomed out here. When I get a few things settled I'm looking at property right across from me. I own my propertyfree and clear, but as long as it's cheap and I can afford it I'm fine. Good luck paul and hope everything works out for you.

other dog


That sounds like a perfect place you're at now with everything you need close by,and plenty of space-outdoor space I mean,to park stuff/works in progress. If you build a new shop will you have to move everything or will you still be at the same site in a new building?

By the way,If you don't have a truck you can take a picture of and want to use another one that doesn't belong to you for your avatar I could send you one of me...



I guess I kind of forgot about the avatar photo -

but the thought of using your picture should correct that condition!!

Thanks for the reminder.

And I just took some new pics of the B-67 progress.

Now I just need to figure out how to start a photo gallery on BMT.

Yeah, the shop we currently have is almost perfect for us.

If we stay in the current complex, the new shop will be larger and

better lit. And it is more "out-of-sight", which we like.

The decision has not been made yet, but I am leaning toward

staying in the rented facility. It's just simpler, and like you said,

we have everything there that we need.

It seems that our little fleet of derelicts keeps growing.

The concern is that moving everything, then disassembling and reassembling

the bridge crane in a new rented space is not a permanent solution. The

question is how long before we have to move again? And the gravel pit

storage we have for trailers and outside equipment is smack in the middle

of upscale residential development. So how long will we have that?

Those are the deciding factors.

We're working on a solution, and we have until September to pull the trigger.


Paul VS

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