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It's Friday!

Went to the dentist today and Mary the tooth babe said everything was looking good.She sure was...oh,my train of thought derailed for a moment there...uh...oh,got the parts for the tiller and got it going. Planted 8 cabbage plants and a row of onions.None of it's ready to pick yet. That's probably all i'll plant for a while-saw people buying tomato plants today,but they'll probably have to cover them a few nights yet.I'll just wait a while for the tomatoes and squash,let the ground warm up some.

Had a load of pipe at the shop going to Waddy,Ky. that Jeffrey was going to put on my trailer to deliver Monday...back to the old grind.


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The way the weather is around here at the moment I would wait also. Just waiting for the poke salad to come up. Still like a few weeks yet though.

other dog


Hey Joe...I see Paul has no comment on Bob the Builder. I was waiting for that response...I think he's ignoring it on purpose to aggravate me-or maybe he didn't find it funny,but we know better,right? We're the funniest things here...aren't we? gee,I used to think I was funny...



The forecast for Monday here, is 30 degrees and rain mixed with snow. Trees are blooming, the grass is getting green, song birds are making a fuss, and from one day to the next I still don't know how to get dressed.

other dog


The forecast for Monday here, is 30 degrees and rain mixed with snow. Trees are blooming, the grass is getting green, song birds are making a fuss, and from one day to the next I still don't know how to get dressed.
I'd better prepare for everything when I go to Kentucky then.Got my sleeping bag,t-shirt,parka,and short pants.


Supposed to snow here tonite and tomorrow and into Monday.

But last night it was close to 70 with thunderstorms.

I'm buying zip-off shirt-sleeves and pant legs!

Can't be too careful.

Paul VS



You guys crack me up, but I just can't wait till tomorrow...or today rather, hopefully it won't rain cause I' supposed to grease 2 trucks and change the oil in one of them.

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