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Hello All



Hello all. I'm kinda new to all this. but my buddy other dog turned me on to this site. :D So i figure that i would give it a try. i'm a young buck of 26 years .

i've spent most all of them around trucks. hauled a few things here and there. {mostly oversized steel in my teens}i've worked ontrucks most of my life they just seem to be a part of the family now i guess it's become a way of life for me. i work now for my father & uncle at there shop in concord va we maintane and operate about 70 class eight trucks . its become an adventure just takeing care of the equment so this will be my story my adventure these are the adventure,s from the shop.


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Nice to have you here.

Seems that there has only been three or four of us regularly

contributing to the blogs - so we need the help -

we mostly aren't believing each other much any more!

Anyway, just kidding. Welcome aboard.

Paul Van Scott



thanks for the warm welcome guys i'll do my best to keep you posted on the happenings hope i don't bore you 2 much.

other dog


:WELCOME: now i'll know what goes on there when i'm not around to keep an eye on things :Mixer1:
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