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Time Marches On....

I heard that Paul Davis passed away this week...most people probably never heard of him,his biggest hit record was "I Go Crazy" but he had several more. I remembered him because he had a song out around 1975 called "Ride 'em Cowboy".Can't really explain it,but but it always made me cry when I heard it. I mean,there I was,19 years old,riding around in my souped up '72 Rally Nova with an AM radio and when Paul Davis came on and sang "Ride 'em Cowboy" i'd cry like a baby. So obviously i'd change the station if anybody was with me,otherwise i'd listen and cry.

I was sitting in the back yard earlier and got to thinking,after i'd planted some corn and beans.I went to youtube and listened to "Ride 'em Cowboy" for the first time in years...yeah,I couldn't help crying,but I didn't let Jobyna see me. Now i'm telling everybody how I cried...go figure.

I once told a very dear friend of mine,whom I love like a son,right after his younger brother was killed in an accident that time heals all wounds,but nothing will ever be the same again. And that is still true-he didn't believe me of course,but I lost my best friend ever,David Elder (A.K.A. Travelin' Kid) and then as you know my wife died of multiple myloma,a form of cancer. I had never loved anyone like her,and never will again,but i'm OK-Jobyna is funny,and weird at times,( most of the time actually) and I love her too,but it's different. I know I carry on more nonsense here than anyone,but i've started now,so i'll continue . Someone once told me that when the Lord takes something away,he always gives you something back. So that gets me to the point that- I believe that's true. Ive met more people,and made new friends-even right here on BMT.Nocluejoe for example-he's got new twins,got laid off from his job,but if I was in trouble and needed him for something I feel like he'd find a way to get here.Big Jim,Paul,Bollweevil,and others are the same way. Right Paul?

So... I don't know why this serious mood came over me,but i'll get over it. Anybody want me to scan more old pictures?


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I always like to see pictures of someone else's ride. Or just someone having a good time doing the things I like to do. Such as, trucking, eating, building race engines, talking on the CB, or telling an outrageous story. I've got a lot of pictures, if I just knew how to post them.



Otherdog, yes I would help you, bollwevil, Paul and anyone else and I'm sorry to hear about your loses. I lost my dad to a tragic accident when I was 16 and time does heal everything, but my heart will always have a empty spot so to speak. I watch my boys day in and out and wish my dad was here to see them, I could just see it in his eyes now. I always tell the boys about their papaw Bobby and how he would have loved them. Amber lost her papaw a month before my dad got killed and she tells them about how her papaw would have just loved them and spoiled them to death. Bob Seger is my cryin' music so to speak, dad loved listin' to Seger and it always reminds me of him. I always wonder what it would be like with him still around, but I always think he's in a better place telling some angels a truck drivin story..lol. You guys will always be my friends and one of these days I'm coming too see all of you guys. Sorry to go on, but it's nice to let it out at times. Oh yeah more pictures are good!!

other dog


I always like to see pictures of someone else's ride. Or just someone having a good time doing the things I like to do. Such as, trucking, eating, building race engines, talking on the CB, or telling an outrageous story. I've got a lot of pictures, if I just knew how to post them.

I got a scanner from Wal-Mart,I just take a picture out of a photo album,scan it,send it to documents or desktop,then upload it here. Click browse to find the picture,right click on the picture, left click select,then left click on upload,and there it is.

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