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Another Week

well another week has come and gone. and the trucks have been busy! means the shop has been slow. the fedreal d.o.t man came by said we were satsfactory { another word for other dog}out of 350 logbooks only 4 where wrong!! but on a better note. the weather has been going my way i've picked up another 20'000lbs of scrap this week and the lot looks a lot less like a landfill. but i still have a long way to go but things are getting better! not much in the way of truck news. one of our star drivers cut a tire & busted a axle gasket.[nobody is perfect i guess] however much they seem to think they are. one of the family trucking companies was sold last month [H.H. Moore trucking] to PGT the first time i saw the name on the trucks i felt like there had been a new death in the family!!

that company had been in the family since 1946. it took my father his father & his father to build it and countless others. i guess the world is changing more and more each day. doesnt mean that it doesnt hurt to see it happen :angry::( till next time keep um between the ditches and rollin on

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other dog


:angry: I didn't cut no tire-oh,you said "one of..." never mind :D
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