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Junk And Projects

We had a rude awakening this week about the high cost of

acquiring old truck projects.

Jimmy had an early 70's Brockway. High mount cab, long frame

tandem axle. An old concrete block truck with no body.

We had taken out the auxiliary transmission to keep for another

project. Anyway, there wasn't much left of the old girl. It had been

parked right next to the railroad tracks, and all the glass was gone,

the hood was off for years before it came to us and it didn't run.

The opportunity came along to sell it a while ago for $500.00 to a local

guy with a few other old Brockways.

The fellow never took the truck out of our yard. So Jimmy offered to

haul the truck for scrap and split the money with the new owner.

Now for the rest of the story -

If that truck was really worth $500.00 is really questionable.

But, it brought $2,700.00 as scrap!

No wonder we are losing a lot of good restorable iron every day.

So - How do we fix this problem?

Makes me feel really good about asking $3,500.00 for my R-600.

It runs and drives perfect. You could drive it home easily.

But, using the same junk price, it would bring over $2,000.00

as scrap. And no hassles.

No, I'm not scrapping it, or anything else I own.

But it does make you think. And, being the extremely

kind and patient person that I am, I'm sure I'll exercise

real diplomacy the next time someone tells me my

price is too high.

Cars have been being crushed for years. There are a lot more cars

than heavy trucks, however. And the collectible cars are worth a lot

more money as projects than as scrap. So the threat is minimized.

With trucks it is really sad. The inventory is small, and the scrap value

is at an all time high; and a lot of history is being lost as we speak.

My own suggestion is to gather up any projects you might want,

and hold onto them, at all cost. The good stuff is going to skyrocket

in price very quickly as the inventory dries up.

Just think - your wives and girlfriends might even thank you for making

such a wise investment! And you'll have a toy that very few others can have.

Case in point-

A few weeks ago, we had a coal train derailment in Palmyra.

About 22 loaded coal cars, almost all in "light rollover".

(1,000,000 pounds of coal)

The salvage company immediately banked up the coal for

reloading. Then they cut all the trucks off of the rail cars,

and proceeded to cut up the hoppers right onsite!

According to their foreman, at today's prices, it is much more

economical to scrap the cars rather than send them in for rebuilding!

That's unbelievable to me.

Anyway - that's this week's rant.


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It's crazy how many good trucks and cars that are getting scrapped. When I hauled a load off the other day there was a 70's model international transtar 2 cab setting there "In suprisingly good shape". I tlk to the man who owns another scrap yard and he said he's seen nice stuff come in like flathead for motors to cars from the 1940's. Crazy how this is ended up.






Sad part was a seen about a 2003 Ford Focus one of the 2 door sporty model that had been rearended at the scrap yard. I seen 2 nova ss's, even a 40's chevrolet car. I hate to see ths happen to decent iron, but we can't save them all. Daddyslilgurl your like me I wished I would have grown up in the 60's and 70's. It was just cool..

other dog


...like the rusty old tractor with good sheet metal I saw being scrapped a week or so ago. :( Hope the tax assessor doesn't assess vehicles at scrap prices,I won't be able to pay the taxes on the mixer. :angry:



Sad part was a seen about a 2003 Ford Focus one of the 2 door sporty model that had been rearended at the scrap yard. I seen 2 nova ss's, even a 40's chevrolet car. I hate to see ths happen to decent iron, but we can't save them all. Daddyslilgurl your like me I wished I would have grown up in the 60's and 70's. It was just cool..

I was there when it happened. 25 June 1965, 22 years old just married I had just started my first job in a dealership, at a Chevrolet dealer in Roswell GA. At $65.00 a week a new 327 Chevell SS or a 409 Impala were just not attainable. On the other hand, you could buy a decent 55, 56, or 57 210 for $250 to $500. Just the right price line for a young gear head. The old saying that good things happen to those that wait, might have some meaning, for I once owned a 66 325hp. 396 SS chevell

$600, A 64 389 GTO $325, and a rash of 55, 57, 58 Ford Custom 300's. One of my friends here has a 57 Custom 300 show car with an all aluminum 427 stroker engine. It's about a $55,000 car and he is always giving me a hard time about being too cheap to spend the money to have one. I tell him, I had one just like it. I gave $75.00 for, it replaced the drivers door glass $15 and drove it for two years.



It's like other dog told me, I've bought decent cars and drove them around for 2 and 300 dollars. I've bought a few for a couple hundred of bucks before, but the price of cars are getting ridiculous I think.



Those are some pretty nice cars to have had.

And I've had a few myself. I was always partial to that '66 Chevelle.

One of the nice things about being around long enough to have

had the 60's & early 70's cars as new, and the 40's and 50's cars when they weren't too old, is that

we don't have to spend the really big money today just to find out that they drive like old cars!

And, just as you pointed out - now we can say "We've already had those, and ours were new!"

Anyway, I don't really think we have to worry about collectible cars being scrapped. There are a

lot more car collectors than there are truck people. And the car prices are high enough that everyone

sees stars when they find a car, no matter what shape it might be in.

I'm really concerned with scrap prices as high as they are, that we are going to lose a bunch of

good old trucks very quickly. Along with tractors, equipment and anything heavy.

It really bothers me even more when I think about all of the steel and other metals being sold overseas.

The continued selling out of America could kill us. If it hasn't already.

Sure does make you wonder what happens next.

other dog


it's Thursday-early-and i'm home,but not for long,don't worry. :P Reminds me of that light green B-61 with honeysuckle growing up around it that I posted pictures of. I'd bet that truck was driven to where it's parked. Jeff said he remembered when they were still running that truck,pulled a lowboy with it,hauling equipment around. Then they got the R-model,probably parked the B because it was old,didn't have much power,nobody wanted to drive a quadruplex,no AC,radio,etc. Wish I could afford it,but as you say,if you offered what you thought was a reasonal price for a restoration project,they might say "well,I can get more than that for it for scrap metal". It's just a shame,i'd hate to see a truck like that scrapped,but it's probably gonna happen more and more. Money's tight,scrap's bringing top dollar...it's a shame-it hurts me to see old iron scrapped. :( ...hurts me!

other dog


Sad part was a seen about a 2003 Ford Focus one of the 2 door sporty model that had been rearended at the scrap yard. I seen 2 nova ss's, even a 40's chevrolet car. I hate to see ths happen to decent iron, but we can't save them all. Daddyslilgurl your like me I wished I would have grown up in the 60's and 70's. It was just cool..

I was there when it happened. 25 June 1965, 22 years old just married I had just started my first job in a dealership, at a Chevrolet dealer in Roswell GA. At $65.00 a week a new 327 Chevell SS or a 409 Impala were just not attainable. On the other hand, you could buy a decent 55, 56, or 57 210 for $250 to $500. Just the right price line for a young gear head. The old saying that good things happen to those that wait, might have some meaning, for I once owned a 66 325hp. 396 SS chevell

$600, A 64 389 GTO $325, and a rash of 55, 57, 58 Ford Custom 300's. One of my friends here has a 57 Custom 300 show car with an all aluminum 427 stroker engine. It's about a $55,000 car and he is always giving me a hard time about being too cheap to spend the money to have one. I tell him, I had one just like it. I gave $75.00 for, it replaced the drivers door glass $15 and drove it for two years.

I believe that '72 Nova was the newest car i've had to this day. Bought it from my older brother in '74,because he wanted to buy a used Porsche from a friend of his. Think I gave $1800 for that car.Then I had a '68 Camaro,'70 Chevelle SS, a '68 Tempest,'68 Biscayne-all collectors items today. The Chevelle was probably the only one I paid over $1,000 for,but it was a real hot rod.




More nice cars!

The 70' Chevelle's and ElCamino's were

favorites here too. (I had an ElCamino).

When you go to the classic car auctions and

shows, it's amazing how many of those 1970

Chevys are advertised today as LS-6 big block cars.

That seems funny, since Chevrolet only made a handful

true LS-6 units!

Maybe the one I miss most was the '70 LT-1 Corvette.

It was the only year for the big horsepower, and it was

just a nice driving car. I couldn't afford it new,

but a few years back, I was lucky enough to have one for a while.

Anyway - you should inquire about that B Mack. You never know,

the owners might take some sympathy with your story, rather than

just scrapping it.

Paul VS




More nice cars!

The 70' Chevelle's and ElCamino's were

favorites here too. (I had an ElCamino).

When you go to the classic car auctions and

shows, it's amazing how many of those 1970

Chevys are advertised today as LS-6 big block cars.

That seems funny, since Chevrolet only made a handful

true LS-6 units!

Maybe the one I miss most was the '70 LT-1 Corvette.

It was the only year for the big horsepower, and it was

just a nice driving car. I couldn't afford it new,

but a few years back, I was lucky enough to have one for a while.

Anyway - you should inquire about that B Mack. You never know,

the owners might take some sympathy with your story, rather than

just scrapping it.

Paul VS

An El Camino is like a mullet to me, business up front...party in the back.



The ElCamino's were pretty handy, if you

didn't mind the small cab, and the small pick-up


I actually had two, a 1970 and a 1973. The 1970

was a better vehicle.

Anyway Joe, don't you think Tom should step up to the

pump and spend some of his money to buy that green B-61?

See if you can convince him that he cannot take the money with him,

and that it will get moldy under his mattress and smell bad.



The ElCamino's were pretty handy, if you

didn't mind the small cab, and the small pick-up


I actually had two, a 1970 and a 1973. The 1970

was a better vehicle.

Anyway Joe, don't you think Tom should step up to the

pump and spend some of his money to buy that green B-61?

See if you can convince him that he cannot take the money with him,

and that it will get moldy under his mattress and smell bad.

Yeah those mason jars and coffe cans are hard to find after awhile. I would hate to see the yard at his old house, probably looked like a family of gopher's lived there. I heard he only works just to pass the time....lol

other dog


:lol: ...yeah,ha-ha Joe. As ol' George says in one of my favorite songs "...I know-everybody funny...now you funny too".About as funny as a screen door in a submarine. And I had moles in the yard,not gophers,there's no treasure buried there. You must have been over there digging around. If you found the bodies,I don't know anything about them.They must have been there when I bought the place. And everybody needs a hobby

That's a good one though.I don't even know if that old Mack's for sale or not,probably not,and they probably wouldn't scrap it anyway,but you never know. They have a lot of old chip trailers parked there too,and trucks,bulldozers,equipment of all sorts.I'm just saying if you run across something like that that might be for sale you can't get it cheap because scrap is so high. I found 2 B-61 single axle trucks before I bought the mixer,one was $1200 and the other was $1000,both in fairly good condition too,but right now they might bring twice that much for scrap. If I had Paul's money i'd have been over there asking about that B-61,but i'm so broke I can't afford to pay attention. Got my mattress stuffed with scrap iron because-wait ,scrap iron-gotta go,see ya

other dog


The ElCamino's were pretty handy, if you

didn't mind the small cab, and the small pick-up


I actually had two, a 1970 and a 1973. The 1970

was a better vehicle.

Anyway Joe, don't you think Tom should step up to the

pump and spend some of his money to buy that green B-61?

See if you can convince him that he cannot take the money with him,

and that it will get moldy under his mattress and smell bad.

I forgot about the '70 Olds Cutlass Supreme and '81 Regal I had.That Olds was one of the best cars I ever had,gave $800 for it,with a straight body, rocket 350,automatic,power windows. Still ran and drove great when I parked it.

The Chevelle I had was a 396 350hp,which was actually the 402 engine,but it was bored .030 over with a crane cam,tarantula intake ( that's the one the carb. set kinda sideways on ) 780 holley,headers,electric fuel pump,Accel ignition...all the usual goodies. When I bought it it didn't have a transmission in it because the owner wanted to keep it (turbo 400 w/shift kit ) to put in a mud bogger he was building,so I went to Cosner Bros. used auto parts (the junk yard) and bought all the clutch linkage,bell housing,pedals,cross member, etc. out of a four speed Chevelle and put the M-22 Muncie that used to be in the Nova in it. It really wasn't hard to convert to the four speed because the frame was already drilled and tapped to mount all the clutch linkage,so it was pretty much just bolt it in. Only took it to the track once.It was a 13 second car with the automatic on street tires.I turned a 14.30 at 101 mph on a set of G-70 tires (skinny!),but it was still spinning into high gear. Had a Hurst Competition Plus in it at first,then switched to a Vertigate because it looked tough,but the Hurst was actually a quicker shifter ( shorter throw ). Ain't bragging,but it sounded like an automatic when I shifted,foot to the floor. That four speed was a lot of fun.You could take off and speed shift and chirp the tires in all four gears when you weren't even getting into it hard,'course if the cops heard you they'd give you a ticket for it.Then I got married and my hot rod days were over...done...finished.

other dog


It's like other dog told me, I've bought decent cars and drove them around for 2 and 300 dollars. I've bought a few for a couple hundred of bucks before, but the price of cars are getting ridiculous I think.
got another junk story-when I left Thursday with that load of lumber I was going north on 29 in Lynchburg when I heard some drivers going south talking about a load that was apparently about to fall off. One driver said "if he runs over a dead possum he's gonna lose that load". Then I saw what they were talking about-there was a small SUV,like an S10 Blazer or a BroncoII, pulling a trailer with a car on it, a bush hog on the trunk lid of the car, and a small lawn tractor sitting on top of the bush hog. They had one 2" ratchet strap thrown over the whole pile to hold it down.


And - they probably never got stopped!

Sometimes ignorance truly is bliss.

But you wonder if the ignorant offenders even

realize it.

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