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No New News

Must be the season - the weather is nice and the yard

work and house chores need to be done.

So nobody has any real new truck news.

And besides, Other Dog is busy baiting the rabbits into the oven!

I think my cab welding assistant has found new and more exciting projects.

Rumor has it that he bought a parts truck so he could begin the rebuilding

of his departed father's pick-up.

I don't really mind - but why couldn't he say something to me?

Now I'm weeks behind where I thought I would be with the B-67.

So the answer, same as always, is: If I'm not happy, I need to try it myself.

That's this week's project.

The cab is still in two pieces. It looks like fitting it together shouldn't be too bad.

The doors are hung and adjusted, and I have the old windshields and rubber.

Hopefully I can make it into one piece again, and everything will fit.

Most of the month of June I'll be out of town on a project in Beach Lake, Pa.

So not too much will happen except on the weekends for the next few weeks.

Driving this truck to Barry's show in September is in jeopardy.

Maybe I should think about doing the quick rocker panel repairs on the R-600,

and drive it with my lowboy instead.

All things considered, it might be a better idea.

The old R runs well, steers well and even stops well. And I like an R type cab.

h'mm - I might be onto something.


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other dog


Too bad I live so far away, I'd give you a hand with all your stuff- I used to be an excellent welder. No,really.Stick,MIG,brazing,soldering-I did it all. Last time I tried to weld something I couldn't decide which side of my bi-focals I should look through. B)

You'd probably make me do the yard work while you did the fun stuff anyway!

By the way,I got the first crate stuffed full of rabbits-what's that shipping address again? They'll be hungry when they get there too.



Frustration takes its' toll -

I called my absentee welding man yesterday.

Got his voice mail. And got madder by the second listening to it.

Now I don't lose it very often. But when I do, I get real testy.

Anyway - after listening to my extremely polite and genteel message -

the young fellow decided that today might be a very good time to get back

to work on my cab. Or leave the country immediately.

So, we'll see what happens. I've heard this before.

I didn't go to the truck shop tonite, and probably won't tomorrow.

I did tell him that, if this project wasn't back in motion today,

not to bother showing up here again.

So Tom, the welder's position may be available on Saturday.

And, I won't make you do the yard work.

Kathy needs me to do it, so she has something to complain about too!

Seriously, I'm just not too sure of myself doing the sheet metal welding on the

rear door posts and on the windshield posts. These pieces are multiple layers of

curved metal formed for strength. Just sticking them back together probably

isn't good enough.

So I'll try to put doublers inside each post to back up the repair welds.

Next truck comes from Arizona - NO RUST ANYMORE.

other dog


I wouldn't trust myself to do a project like that anyway,but i'd help you if I could. You couldn't be any harder on me than Jeff is-I tried to get him to drive the mixer one time and he said " hell no,i'm not driving that thing-if a tail light burned out 3 years from now you'd say it was because I drove it"



I wouldn't trust myself to do a project like that anyway,but i'd help you if I could. You couldn't be any harder on me than Jeff is-I tried to get him to drive the mixer one time and he said " hell no,i'm not driving that thing-if a tail light burned out 3 years from now you'd say it was because I drove it"




The good news is -

My threatening worked!

My B-67 cab is back in one piece, and it looks great.

Everything fits like it should, and the remaining repairs

are pretty minor.

Paul VS

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