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Not So Hot...

That's in answer to the question "how's it going?"

I'm sitting here waiting for the air conditioner guy-after calling about 4 different places,I finally found one in Altavista that said they'd be here sometime today,but I have no idea when.

Called Jeff too. He said the parts for the truck should be in today,so I won't be going anywhere today.Not only was the head gasket blown,they're putting a camshaft in it too because that had a lobe wiped off. He sounded very disgruntled,as there's no warranty on it.

Been trying to find a cheap car,the engine in the '94 Taurus that my son was driving gave out,but I don't think there's any such thing as a cheap car anymore.

At least i'm not in jail and nobody's shooting at me to my knowledge-always a bright side.

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other dog


well, Scott the friendly AC repairman just left. He said the freon was a little low,and he tightened the fittings outside that were pretty loose he said,and charged it with freon. I even signed a service agreement where they come out twice a year and clean,check,and service the heat and AC, once in the fall and again in the spring. Sounded pretty cheap to me at $130. Anyway,it's down to 88 degrees in here now,it was 93 inside a little while ago and 97 outside. I don't think I remember it ever being this hot this early in the year.

Still no word on the truck's status.

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