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2nd Week Of Summer

OK we're about in the middle of summer, that is

if we get the usual three or four weeks of good weather.

Finished in Pennsylvania last week. Now back to the Mack shop.

And - Tom, I did check out Beach Lake on Google Earth.

You can see the farm perfectly. It's impressive -

but, kind of scary actually.

Checked in on the B-67 today. Looks like I will spend the next couple

of weekends removing dents and grinding welds smooth in preparation

for painting. After the trouble with getting any work out of the welder,

the project finally looks really good.

Everybody have a good week.


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other dog


and you were nowhere to be seen,right? see,I told you you weren't there! :unsure:



Hopefully you'll get some good progress on the mack, like I'm trying to on my dad's truck. Now what's this about you not being somewhere? Sound's fishy to me...lol.

other dog


Hopefully you'll get some good progress on the mack, like I'm trying to on my dad's truck. Now what's this about you not being somewhere? Sound's fishy to me...lol.

yeah,that's what I thought,but it's nunna my bidness :rolleyes:



It's not uncommon for me to admit that I don't know where I am.

Ignorance is truly bliss in my world!!



It's not uncommon for me to admit that I don't know where I am.

Ignorance is truly bliss in my world!!

Don't feel bad for some reason I've been having a hard time understanding directions, especially at work :D, While I got your attention do you still have your h-model? Is that gonna be restored next after the b-model? You gotta get some progress pics up for the b-model, I'd like to see the progress. Have a good one...



Funny you should ask Joe -

I do indeed have the H-63, and coincidentally we are

moving it tomorrow from the storage barn to a

preparation spot in the truck shop.

Probably won't start it, though, until after the B-67 is all done,

and I would like to do the rockers and paint work on

the R-600.

I would consider selling the H-63 and the R-600 as they are,

if someone were interested in restoring either one.

The R will be a pretty easy resto - it's all there and runs and drives

perfectly. Even all of the lights, heater and fan work as they should.

No leaks or smoke and good brakes and rubber.

It just needs the rocker panels and lower rear cab corners.

Have a good holiday!

Paul VS

other dog


Funny you should ask Joe -

I do indeed have the H-63, and coincidentally we are

moving it tomorrow from the storage barn to a

preparation spot in the truck shop.

Probably won't start it, though, until after the B-67 is all done,

and I would like to do the rockers and paint work on

the R-600.

I would consider selling the H-63 and the R-600 as they are,

if someone were interested in restoring either one.

The R will be a pretty easy resto - it's all there and runs and drives

perfectly. Even all of the lights, heater and fan work as they should.

No leaks or smoke and good brakes and rubber.

It just needs the rocker panels and lower rear cab corners.

Have a good holiday!

Paul VS

I took an old dryer,electric range,and a hot water tank to the recycler yesterday-brought $22.40...not bad,but I guess I need to keep digging before I can afford a truck,huh?



I thought electric ranges were converted into smoker ovens

at your house. What's up with that - did you quit cooking?

I did move the H-63 into the shop this morning.

It's a neat old truck. I'm surprised how easy it steers,

considering it's on some pretty bad "stand-up" rubber,

and hasn't seen a grease gun in a really long time.

All the instruments are there and all the switches and

such seem original. (It's not as pretty an instrument

panel as the B model is though)

We put the old girl on one of Jimmy's lowboys and

pulled it with his big Freightliner. Overkill kind of,

but fun none the less.

We were talking along the way about fuel.

Jim's Freightliner is a specially ordered truck specifically for

heavy, oversized hauling. It's spec'd. to gross 300k pounds.

Power is a Caterpillar 3406E with an 18 spd. overdrive

and two speed rears. (4.11 & 4.76 I think)

The truck has 375,000 miles on it from new.

The lifetime average according to the read-out on

the ECM is 6.0 miles per gallon.

I was pretty impressed with that, considering the

type of work the truck does.

But it gets better. Pulling an empty tri-axle lowboy home

last week from South Carolina the truck delivered 8.0 mpg!

There are chains to allow both the rear and the front trailer

axle to be lifted, so you have only one on the ground, and

Jimmy is really good with the trucks. But I still thought that

kind of fuel mileage was great.

Anyway, Kathy & I went over to Canadaigua Lake last on some

friend's boat and watched the fireworks out in the middle of the lake.

That always reminds me why I like this country so much.

And I didn't even fall-in.

Have a good week-end.

other dog


oh yeah,i'm still cooking-cooked the best ribs ever just yesterday,but I used the antifreeze drum cooker. The old electric range was burned out, but it was still setting behind the shed.I replaced it with a brand new gas stove I found by the dumpster a while back. I haven't tried cooking/smoking anything really big,like a boston butt or a ham or turkey in the antifreeze cooker,but if it works ok for that i'll probably get rid of the gas stove too-to redneck looking :pat:

other dog


so much for that experiment-I was going to go to Concord today to make another mixer video to post on youtube,but Jobyna pulled something out of the refrigerator this morning and said "what tha' h! is this?-it's leaked all over the place!". D@%&! It was a boston butt I took out of the freezer Monday or Tuesday and plum forgot about. Couldn't put it back in the freezer,back to work tomorrow,so-I had to cook it,no other options. Smoked it in the antifreeze cooker to see how it worked,and :twothumbsup: Cooked it with the Neeley (The Neeleys- new show on Food Network) rib cooking method-indirect heat on both sides for a couple of hours,then I put it in a cheap aluminum pan and covered it tightly with wreynolds wrap and cooked it 'til it probed 180 degrees in the center with my meat doneness detection device (a.k.a. meat thermometer). Came out perfect! I'll probably slice some of it,and just chop the rest for bbq sammiches-I'll take some with me tomorrow,and leave Jo a little tiny piece. If I won the lottery,that's what i'd do-open a barbecue joint!



If I won the lottery - I'd come and see you in your BBQ joint!!

other dog


If I won the lottery - I'd come and see you in your BBQ joint!!

All the barbecue you can eat,free for all BMT members :D

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