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R-600 Thoughts

Check out Photo #34.

(In the state of New York - we give everything numbers -

since our governor took the title of Client #9)

Anyway - check out #34 in the ATCA - Macungie photos that

Barry posted the link to last week.

It's exactly what my R-600 looked like as a new truck.

And - it's where I'd like to go with it. After the B-67.

I probably would not use the fender mount spot mirrors.

Sorry I missed Macungie this year. Looks like a great turn-out.

Got my sights set on Barry's show in the Fall.

Nice thick T-bone steaks last nite slow cooked with a bourbon BBQ sauce.


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other dog


sounds great! I like a thick steak too. I cooked a beast brisket yesterday. Tried one once before and I coated it with my rub and smoked it in the smoker oven.It was so salty you couldn't eat it-came swimming in brine,and I put more salt on it.Yesterday I followed the cooking directions on the package and boiled it first,let it simmer for a couple of hours,then smoked it in the antifreeze smoker for a couple more hours,and it came out very good.

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