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Canadian Trucking

I've been working on a project in Honey Harbour,

Ontario, Cananda (A couple hours north of Toronto),

and I have driven back and forth a couple of times.

Just some observations:

Boy, do they ever use a lot of axles.

And axle spreads of all different sizes.

I'm guessing that is for the health of the highways.

I was pleasantly surprised to see the number of Mack

cement mixers and dump trucks.

A lot of the mixers have tandem steering axles,

again, I'm assuming for the per axle weight.

The multiple trailer combinations intrigue me also.

Nice to see new stuff.


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I heard that they don't use spread axle's in canada, only tri-axles. Glad to hear your working good, just think when your b-model is done you can drive it back and forth to jobs...lol.

other dog


I've always wanted to visit Canadia :( If I got that close I could keep on going to Elliot Lake and see Old Bill :D He always told me if I ever got a load going to Sault Ste. Marie he'd come over and get me...but I never have yet.



Joe, it looks to me like almost anything goes in Canada.

I'm guessing that the roads have a big frost heave problem,

and so the loads are bridged over a lot of axles to minimize

the impact of the truck on the highway.

Just a guess, but it sure does sound intelligent doesn't it?

Anyway, I saw a lot of different combinations of axles and

multiple trailers. Some pretty nice trucks too.

Got a break coming home. Pulled up to Customs at the border,

and was behind three loaded busses. The Border Patrol checks

your passport now. And it was going to be a looooong wait behind those

tourist busses. I got waved into an adjacent lane, that was closed,

but apparently the guard saw me and felt sorry for me. (Or they didn't

want me in Canada any longer than absolutely necessary)

Really nice of him - because I think I'd still be there if I had to wait for

the tourists.

other dog




Old Bill-Canadian trucking-check out thedieselgypsy-my photos.

He's my truckin' hero...Paul VanScott runs a close second. I've read all of Old Bill's stories,and talk to him on Skype every weekend...all because I sent him an e-mail once and told him he was the greatest truck driver ever...which he is,in my opinion-Paul VanScott runs a close second.

uh...I'm not tootin' my own whistle...or maybe I am-but he has a lot of my stuff on his site too!...oh,since you asked-all the truck show pictures from Winchester,Troutman,Greensboro,Truckers at Work-Tom Blackwell,guest photos-Tom Blacwell,and "How You Got Started in Trucking"-Tom Blackwell :D





Old Bill-Canadian trucking-check out thedieselgypsy-my photos.

He's my truckin' hero...Paul VanScott runs a close second. I've read all of Old Bill's stories,and talk to him on Skype every weekend...all because I sent him an e-mail once and told him he was the greatest truck driver ever...which he is,in my opinion-Paul VanScott runs a close second.

uh...I'm not tootin' my own whistle...or maybe I am-but he has a lot of my stuff on his site too!...oh,since you asked-all the truck show pictures from Winchester,Troutman,Greensboro,Truckers at Work-Tom Blackwell,guest photos-Tom Blacwell,and "How You Got Started in Trucking"-Tom Blackwell :D

Hey Paul:

Now I see the reason for driving over the Grand Island bridges on your way to Canada! No, the big green Mack is still in CT but we'll have it here shortly. That local local meeting in Batavia is Aug 3 and I hope to bring something to the show but I don't know what yet. Hope to see you there. By the way, pics of the 1950 LJSW posted in the gallery. Let me know what you think.

Best regards,



Thanks John, I'll take a look at the pictures.

I won't be in Batavia. I'm going to Oshkosh next week

for the air show. I've been looking for another airplane

to replace one that I sold a short while ago.

Anyway - my uncle and shop partner Jim Schreiner will

be in Batavia, and Randy Hogan (Saxby's Equipment) will have at

least one of his Internationals there. Say hello if you get the chance.

Were you able to sort out the title difficulties with the green truck?

Paul Van Scott

other dog


Joe, it looks to me like almost anything goes in Canada.

I'm guessing that the roads have a big frost heave problem,

and so the loads are bridged over a lot of axles to minimize

the impact of the truck on the highway.

Just a guess, but it sure does sound intelligent doesn't it?

Anyway, I saw a lot of different combinations of axles and

multiple trailers. Some pretty nice trucks too.

Got a break coming home. Pulled up to Customs at the border,

and was behind three loaded busses. The Border Patrol checks

your passport now. And it was going to be a looooong wait behind those

tourist busses. I got waved into an adjacent lane, that was closed,

but apparently the guard saw me and felt sorry for me. (Or they didn't

want me in Canada any longer than absolutely necessary)

Really nice of him - because I think I'd still be there if I had to wait for

the tourists.

So,all that "try not to look suspicious" practice worked out for you,eh? (that's Canadian) :D
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