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In Early

other dog


I'm at home...early...on Tuesday this time. I've been to Conneaut,Ohio and back to Richmond from Follansbee,W.V. with a van load,now i've got another van load going to Ashland,Oh-home of the late Tim Richmond-with a return load to pick up in Vinton,Oh. Only thing is,the load in Vinton won't be ready until Thursday,so it seemed better to me to lay over at home tonight and deliver in Ashland Thursday morning,rather than deliver tomorrow and have to wait until Thursday to reload. I'll only have about 6,000 pounds on. Speaking of 6,000 lbs,I came back from Follansbee across rt. 250 from Moundsville to Fairmont,W.V. Had 26,000 lbs. on though. A great adventure nonetheless-first time i'd been across there since 1980,when I was driving an F-model Mack,with a 300 and 5 speed.I said at the time I wouldn't do it again bobtailing, but...


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Hey your home too. I had today off because I gotta work this saturday. I wouldn't get used to this, when they get you the new pete there gonna run your a$$ off...lol. Have a good time off anyway

other dog


Hey your home too. I had today off because I gotta work this saturday. I wouldn't get used to this, when they get you the new pete there gonna run your a$$ off...lol. Have a good time off anyway

I couldn't run much harder than I am already,done got too old and tired.At least I get a little more done in the summer because i'm solar powered and start getting sleepy when it gets dark.



Hey your home too. I had today off because I gotta work this saturday. I wouldn't get used to this, when they get you the new pete there gonna run your a$$ off...lol. Have a good time off anyway

I couldn't run much harder than I am already,done got too old and tired.At least I get a little more done in the summer because i'm solar powered and start getting sleepy when it gets dark.

I understand about getting sleepy at night. You can't say that your old and tired, someone has to truck stuff up and down the road. These new 3 week trainees just cant hack. Anyway I found this for you incase you wanna start trucking on your own. Have a good one buddy and tell Jobingo hey for us...


other dog


wonder if I should paint it orange and white with the gold stripe,or go with the red and brown?..I think i'll go with the orange and white.

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