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Packing It All Up

After a few months af indecision, we got word today that we will indeed

have to relocate our truck shop. And real soon. The expanding neighbor wants our

space by September 01.

We have decided to take one of two spaces offered to us by our current landlord.

One is almost ideal, except pretty expensive. It's got a 24' ceiling, two large

overhead doors, fully insulated and really well lit with four floor drains, water

and 3 phase power. The space is about 48' x 72'. Its all painted up nice and is

surrounded on three sides by heated space. Our bridge crane will fit easily,

and there is plenty of room for benches and the fabricating equipment. There

is no room for outside parking of trailers, which are currently offsite anyway.

The second option is a stand alone building which needs a lot of cosmetic and

electric and heating work. But - it has a nine acre fenced outside area for trailers.

It's a total area of about 38' x 70', with one big overhead door and no floor drains.

The big deal is the ceiling height. Only about 14' at the outside walls and slopes

up to 20' in the center. The crane needs at least 19'6 height in a 28 x 38 area.

So it doesn't fit in this particular space, and shortening it isn't a great option.

This is just a hobby for both Jim and I, so the thought of a $1,500. rent bill

each month plus the heat bills is a little cause for reflection.

Our thought is that with either space, there is room for a couple of paying

storage customers. We have a commitment from one local company to store

their AC Mack with us. Perhaps two more will make it all work out OK.

I guess we got pretty spoiled by our current deal. $500. a month including

all of the utilities. But - we were told right up front that it was temporary,

so this isn't any real surprise.

Should give me a chance to sort out, re-evaluate and organize all of my stuff.


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