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Sad End For A Good Dog

the best diesel engine mack has made was?  

90 members have voted

  1. 1. the best diesel engine mack has made was?

    • Thermodyne
    • Maxidyne
    • Econodyne
    • Magnadyne
    • E6 4V head
    • E7 4V head
    • E9 4V head
    • older ENDT V8 2V head
    • other engine not mentioned

I'm just mad...and angry...irate... and hurt-I don't know what to do. Really nothing I can do. Jobyna just popped me upside the head,then threw the phone book at me after I told her if she wanted to leave I'd help her pack, and haul her stuff...where ever,as long as it was away from here. Not the Brookneal phone book either,she went with the much,much larger Lynchburg book, complete with the yellow pages. I told her she was lucky she's a woman,or she'd be dead right now,cuz i'd have killed her ass.

This dog here has been here longer than I have. I remember the first time I saw him,standing on the front porch looking in the door grinning-he had an over bite or something,and he always looked like he was grinning. He was as big as a shetland pony and there wasn't a mean bone in his body. He was just a big overgrown puppy,loved to play.His tail was about 4 feet long,we always called him "big tail". When ever i'd come home he'd meet me in the driveway like Dino meeting Fred Flintstone. He chased cars,but he was very selective about which ones he chased. He'd be laying in the back yard sound asleep, but when he heard a particular vehicle he'd jump up and run to the road and chase it. Most he paid no attention to. He never bothered anybody or anything. We fed him,and I wormed him several times,because you could count every rib he had at first,but afterwards he was fine and healthy.

He was a happy dog,living a dog's life. Then the a-hole family moved in next door,with the whiny little brat-the one Jobyna sprayed "Off" on before,and he ran home crying like she'd sprayed him with high test gasoline and handed him a lit sparkler. She called me Tuesday crying when I was on the way from Birmingham to Pittsburgh and told me the dog had jumped up on the little bast-oh,might not oughta say that here, little...uh...kid next door,and his fat a$$ bitc...uh,oops-er,momma called the animal control officer to come get him. Never mind that they'd been playing with him when he jumped up on him,throwing toys to him,and he'd bring them back.

Animal control (the dog catcher) came and put a noose around his neck ,threw him in the back of the truck and hauled him off. She said if nobody claimed him in 5 days,he'd be euthanized. Killed-put to death-for doing nothing!

I wish I could go rescue him,but like my momma said, if I went and claimed him the next time he jumped on the little bast-sorry,I meant whiny ass little brat,they'd just sue me. I have less than an acre of land,no fence,and he's never been tied,so he'd probably go crazy or strangle himself if I tried to tie him. I'm glad I wasn't here when they took him away. I've been known to act first and think later-like the time I threw that big mug of beer,mug and all,on that softball team in the Red Lobster in Lynchburg. But that's another story.

Ive asked everyone I could think of if they wanted a dog-nobody did. He's a good dog-I liked it better when he was on the front porch barking at sun up wanting breakfast than since the sorry a$$ good for nothing deadbeat neighbors moved in...needless to say,they're not on our Christmas card list. I hope they're eaten by bears...just kiddin' :rolleyes:

On second thought,Old Bill told me to always be honest-I really do hope they're eaten by bears. I thought a lot of that old dog.

Then I found out today that Rick Wright passed away Monday,the 15th. :( from cancer. Hope somebody has some good news...

Big Tail update-good news-


I called animal control before I left Monday to see about rescuing Big Tail and they told me to contact the humane society. I called them and I talked to a very nice man there, totally unlike the dogcatcher who picked him up, and seemed to enjoy her job way too much-she's the one who told Jobyna the dog would be euthanized in 5 days,which was totally false.

The guy I talked to at the humane society told me they had to hold him for 5 days before they could do anything, to give the owner time to claim him. If he wasn't claimed in that time then he became the property of the county,and would be put up for adoption. He said they only euthanized animals that were considered mean or dangerous and "that's a very friendly dog". I said "I know". I wish I could get him back myself,but i'd better not. I am gonna make a donation to the humane society though, and perhaps pay for his shots and other boarding fees that have to be paid before he can be adopted, that way he might be adopted quicker. If no one takes him i'm gonna get him and sneak him down to the shop so he can be a junkyard dog. He always told me he wanted to live in upstate New York though.


Recommended Comments



You need to go get the dog - it's important.

Maybe you don't have to keep him - but you

can't let him die for doing nothing.

You owe him that much.

Andy Wright


My thoughts exactly. Can't let a beautiful soul like that be killed for no reason. You'll think of something.

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