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Saving One From The Crusher

Several years ago, when I bought my R Mack and lowboy from a retired excavating contractor,

I found a really nice B-61 single axle tractor behind his barn.

I asked about it, and was told he wasn't quite ready to part with the old girl. Although

he said he had never used the truck, he always wanted to restore it. Just never got to it.

After a little homework, I found that the tractor has had only one owner in

its' working life, and then into this fellow's hands for an easy retirement.

It belonged to Louis Johnson Trucking of Port Gibson, NY, and probably spent

its' life running from Upstate NY (the good part of the State) to the city, or down

to the Johnson terminal in Pennsylvania.

Anyway, the cab looked near perfect (at least by my memory), and I'm told it would run

without much trouble. (This fellow does take good care of his stuff)

So I kept my ears and eyes open over in that part of the world.

And, it paid off.

I got a phone call today. Seems that he is now ready to sell it. If I don't take it,

he thinks he will scrap it.

Didn't take me long to make that decision.

Even though I don't need it, I can't let a real nice old B model Mack go to the wrecker.

I'll probably post the truck for sale, after the dust settles, and I figure out what I have.

It would be best, I think, if I got it running and driving, shook out the bees and put some heat in

the exhaust. Then I can give somebody a pretty accurate report.

Stay Tuned!


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