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More Astonishing Pictures!

the best diesel engine mack has made was?  

90 members have voted

  1. 1. the best diesel engine mack has made was?

    • Thermodyne
    • Maxidyne
    • Econodyne
    • Magnadyne
    • E6 4V head
    • E7 4V head
    • E9 4V head
    • older ENDT V8 2V head
    • other engine not mentioned

OK,the title is overhyped. Got my last roll of film developed yesterday, and some were taken so long ago I don't remember what they were, or where I took them, but here's some of them for your enjoyment anyway.

Been very busy this week, felt much better after finding out Big Tail was gonna be all right. I went to Orchard Park Monday, then to Brookfield to Roanoke, then from Lynchburg to Orlando, then loaded 60' beams at Nucor in Huger, S.C. going to Fort Washington, Md.( D.C. area ). When we got to Fort Washington Friday I thought we were at the wrong address, but unfortunately we were not. It was at an apartment complex, and we couldn't figure any reason for 60' beams to be there in the first place. Turns out there was a large sink hole behind the very back building, and that's where the steel was going. We had to blind side back in off the street into the apartment complex, then back about a quarter of a mile, including 3 sharp bends, to get back to where we unloaded. There were cars parked on both sides too, to make it more interesting. I only took the one picture of this site, after I'd gotten unloaded. When we backed in there was a white Ford pickup parked in the spot just to the left of the dumpster in the picture, so that was the tightest spot to get around. They unloaded us with a boom truck, ( there was three of us ) and it was an all day job. Billy Bob and myself left there at 4:30 pm, right on time for the worst of Washington D.C. rush hour Friday evening traffic.

Now, what you've all been waiting for- pictures...and my comments, best I can recollect- and sorry, I forgot to resize the ones I took here with the digital camera.

a salmon fillet I smoked on the grill,indirect heat on both sides, strip of bacon on top, with pans of water underneath to keep it from being completely dried out.

the home made hot sauce I made today and put in recycled bottles. All the peppers came from my garden- and Jo's happy, because when I do this stuff I don't make a mess!

the Fort Washington apartment complex.

going over a boat on rt. 526 in CharlestoN, S.C.

a girl I saw lying in a field getting a tan in Florida.

...yes, there really are Piggly Wigglys, Jeff Foxworthy didn't just make it up.

and sometimes I don't mind having to stop in construction zones, you just sit there and enjoy the view!

might as well include my favorite billboard ever, Jacksonville,Fl. This billboard's been there a long time.

my mixer truck, after a wax job.

I must be off now, Joe's sending an IM.


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I can't tell you how glad I am about the dog.

I take my dogs more seriously than I do people.

Dogs have never let me down. Those people who

would turn in a dog for just being a dog really do not

deserve a place in our society.

Anyway - on a better note -

The mixer looks fantastic.

I'm going to paint my B-67 the same colors, just in honor of you.

The wood in the charcoal for the salmon -

Do you notice any difference in flavor when you use it?

And the bacon and water were great ideas.

You might have missed your true calling in life.

Found a little bbq rib joint on Rte. 104 east of Williamson, NY

that the locals tell me is second to none.

Gonna have to make that trip.

It's a typical rib place - a shack with some picnic tables

outside. Gotta get there this month or next - before the snow.

other dog


I can't tell you how glad I am about the dog.

I take my dogs more seriously than I do people.

Dogs have never let me down. Those people who

would turn in a dog for just being a dog really do not

deserve a place in our society.

Anyway - on a better note -

The mixer looks fantastic.

I'm going to paint my B-67 the same colors, just in honor of you.

The wood in the charcoal for the salmon -

Do you notice any difference in flavor when you use it?

And the bacon and water were great ideas.

You might have missed your true calling in life.

Found a little bbq rib joint on Rte. 104 east of Williamson, NY

that the locals tell me is second to none.

Gonna have to make that trip.

It's a typical rib place - a shack with some picnic tables

outside. Gotta get there this month or next - before the snow.

the water underneath was something else I saw on TV, the bacon strip was my idea, figured it couldn't hurt. Never did either before, but Jo said the ones I'd cooked before, just on the grill over direct heat, were a little dry so I tried something different and it came out great. And the wood gives it a great smoky flavor.

I'm a dog lover too, and I was very upset about the dog. I still miss him, but i'm happy now that I know he's gonna be OK.

And...in honor of me? I...I (sniffle) just don't know what to say :notworthy:



Don't get too choked up.

Those were also the original colors

of my truck.

Still, I thought the thought meant something.

other dog


Don't get too choked up.

Those were also the original colors

of my truck.

Still, I thought the thought meant something.

It do, it do! Actually mine was solid red and I had the fenders painted black in honor of Old Bill, the Diesel Gypsy. Was gonna paint the top of the hood black too, but it has a couple of dents and I figured black would make them more noticable.

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