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Chicken,squirrels,beer...and A Beagle

the best diesel engine mack has made was?  

90 members have voted

  1. 1. the best diesel engine mack has made was?

    • Thermodyne
    • Maxidyne
    • Econodyne
    • Magnadyne
    • E6 4V head
    • E7 4V head
    • E9 4V head
    • older ENDT V8 2V head
    • other engine not mentioned

It's been an exciting weekend around here :huh: -i've raked leaves, flattened some cans and bagged them-not all Anheuser-Busch products by the way, I think I saw a Pepsi can in there-and cut some grass, piled leaves in the garden and ran the tiller through it, and made a squirrel feeder. The apples, pears, and peaches are gone and I wouldn't want them to go hungry. Besides, if work doesn't pick up I might eat the squirrels. <_<

I went to Fremont last Sunday and after I got unloaded Monday morning I went to Brookfield and picked up a Roanoke load and unloaded in Roanoke Monday night. Then I was off Tuesday, no loads :( . Went to Richmond Wednesday morning and loaded some structural steel going to Columbia, S.C. Unloaded there Thursday morning, then went over to Nucor steel in Darlington and picked up some flatbar and channel going to Madison Heights, Va. After I got that off Friday morning, I went to the shop...then I went home-no loads. :(

My computer still only works half a$$ too :angry: -hey, kinda like me! Everything that worked off a usb port seemed to be malfunctioning, first the webcam, then the scanner/printer. I was afraid to try my digital camera because I figured it would fail to operate properly too, but it did work, and I took a few new pictures to illustrate the exciting events described in this blog entry :rolleyes:

I had the truck here last week, and told otherdog to keep an eye on it...the second picture is 9 hours later and he hadn't moved-still keeping an eye on it! He's a good dog. There's an armadillo by the bush, but he paid no attention to it because I just told him to watch the truck.

I cooked a "chicken on a can" Friday. I usually use the old wood/charcoal powered gas stove behind the shed, but I decided to try the anti-freeze grill this time. The oven is much better, and faster, probably because of the insulation around the oven. It makes a delicious chicken though, just coat a whole chicken with "the rub", drink part of a can of of beer, put more rub in the beer left in the can, stick the chicken on the can and put it on the grill, or the smoker oven 'til it's done.

Too bad the leaves don't just blow next door! They have none, I have many.

This is my squirrel feeder, loaded with corn. Stolen from the cornfield by the road at that bridge job in N.C. I posted pictures of a while back by the way. The spot where there's no leaves is where the pickup was parked.

Otherdog-the beagle that is.


Recommended Comments



The chicken looks good!

Not so sure about putting the squirrels on a can

for dinner - but, it might be worth a try.

other dog


The chicken looks good!

Not so sure about putting the squirrels on a can

for dinner - but, it might be worth a try.

it was good, this method usually works well. I burned it on the bottom a little, because the oven has the partition in the bottom between the oven and the fire and the grill doesn't, that's why I put some foil under it. I'll just stick a squirrel on a stick and roast it.

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