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Shop Organization #2

Spent today taking apart my wood pallet racking.

Some ideas just don't work out. This was one of them.

Got some used heavy duty steel pallet racking, and plan

to spend tomorrow putting it together and getting it loaded up.

Other than my failed attempt at building the racks,

I am really happy with the way this shop is coming together.

Once all of the pallets are up off of the floor, there will be plenty

of room to work on two or three trucks at once, without getting

in each other's way. And room to store a couple more, with

room in one bay for a tractor & trailer combination, for trailer

service, or for crane unloading of a trailer.

It's been snowing here off and on for a week or so. Cold too.

Just a reminder of what's coming in the next few weeks.

For what it's worth - I actually hope that we can have a nice

cold and snowy winter. Sure beats that icy, slushy, rainy crap.

And a white Christmas really sets the Holiday tone.

Plugging away on the B-67 frame and running gear.

Looks pretty good. About ready to final paint the frame.

Then we can start the plumbing and wiring.

This has been a fairly expensive project - I may have to

apply for a federal bail-out. I'm sending for the forms ASAP.

Hope everybody has a good week.


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A white christmas would be nice for once, but hopefully there won't be too much snow on whenever you get the b-67 out. Kinda wish I had a big enough shop for racks and such. I'm gonna get me a storage shed for the 4 wheeler, lawnmower, etc. I have one open side then half of another, but need the room for my detroit motor for the swap into the ford. Have a good one bud....

other dog


A white christmas would be nice for once, but hopefully there won't be too much snow on whenever you get the b-67 out. Kinda wish I had a big enough shop for racks and such. I'm gonna get me a storage shed for the 4 wheeler, lawnmower, etc. I have one open side then half of another, but need the room for my detroit motor for the swap into the ford. Have a good one bud....

I had a good size shed I built at the old house, complete with a "cook shed" on one end of it where I kept my grill and smoker oven. Had a freezer plus all my tools and equipment in the shed, now it's all stuffed in this little metal shed out back, so full I can't get in it, and can't find anything because something's on top of it,no matter what i'm looking for.

Wish I could find a picture of the old cook shed to scan, but alas , my scanner still won't work. It was nice though, used it in all kinds of weather.



A cook shed sounds like a good idea.

I could do one off the end of my barn at home,

pretty close to the back door.

I've got an old gas grille that I was thinking of

converting to a rotisserie. Along with the regular

gas grille and the charcoal grille, they would pretty

well fill up a cooking shed.

I'm just thinking of a lean-to roof to keep the rain

and the snow off. Maybe with a light too, although

the light won't really help the quality of the food too much.

Nothing will except a new cook.

Got one of the 16' long rack sections assembled and

lifted into place today. It will sure be nice to get all of

the parts and stuff off the floor.

Joe - how's the family? Probably growing like crazy!



A cook shed sounds like a good idea.

I could do one off the end of my barn at home,

pretty close to the back door.

I've got an old gas grille that I was thinking of

converting to a rotisserie. Along with the regular

gas grille and the charcoal grille, they would pretty

well fill up a cooking shed.

I'm just thinking of a lean-to roof to keep the rain

and the snow off. Maybe with a light too, although

the light won't really help the quality of the food too much.

Nothing will except a new cook.

Got one of the 16' long rack sections assembled and

lifted into place today. It will sure be nice to get all of

the parts and stuff off the floor.

Joe - how's the family? Probably growing like crazy!

They are doin great Paul, the boys turn 1 on tuesday. We already had their party due to work and everything else it seemed like. Thanks for asking.

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