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new to Mack

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I hope someone out there can help me! Nobody in my family or group of friends has been able to help me! They all wonder why a girl like myself is so interested in learning about trucks! I really find them all fascinating - sort of adventurous and mysterious...

I'm practically new to the "Mack world", and I'm very interested to learn about it. I've heard that Mack truck users are really hard core fans and love the brand over the rest (more or less like Harley Davidson users??) - so surely there must be many reasons for this...?

Is it because of its long history? Or is it that the trucks are really the best? Or just the looks of them? I guess my question is: what makes a Mack truck a Mack truck??? Sounds like a cheesy (and probably a bit 'philosophical') question to ask, I know!

Don't worry, I'm not one of those market researchy kind of people or anything like that. The reason for all this questions is because I'd rather come to a forum of real Mack users that would give me a real and objective point of view, rather than going to Mack's website...



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You are asking for a lot, and I hope you are not expecting a short answer. Trucks in general, and the trucking industry in particular are constantly evolving. In the heavy duty truck industry you will find no planed obsolescence. This is evident in the construction part of our industry, by the number of 20 year old or older trucks still in service. Mostly Mack's, and for a good reason. An engine transmission combination designed to be tailored to start and move a load under any conceivable condition, coupled with a final drive that was not designed to be good enough. But, which however was engineered to be indistructable. Along with a suspension equally at home on and off road, And an adjustable platform, {single, double or triple railed} to hold it all together. What else, except a cab built Mack tough, with classic good looks. To begin with, creature comforts were on the short side, but as I mentioned, it is evolving. You could better appreciate A Mack Truck experience by spending day after day after day on a construction site. When you can spend 12 or more hours a day operating a truck, then get out and go home, instead of getting out and getting under it, it adds to peace of mind, and the bottom line at the end of the week. People like trucks for different reasons. People like Mack's, sometimes to the point of being fanatical, dependability is a good enough reason. A major concern at this time is the survival of the Mack logo, and The Mack tradition. A lot of the members on this site own and preserve some very nice examples of Mack history. Get acquainted.



Well said James.

The quality of, particularly, the older Macks speaks to

a lost ethic in our society. It's not "just good enough",

it's really "Mack Tough". And I think the Macks, unlike

most brands, evoke a "can do" attitude that is largely

missing in our bail-out ridden, no responsibility, no fault society.

So - the Mack truck makes a statement, not only about

the truck and it's legendary durability, but also about the

people and the country that built them.

Not to mention that they kind of fit like old shoes.

Man - we ought to be in marketing!

Paul Van Scott



You couldn't of said it any better guys. "Built Mack Tough" is a statement all in it's own. You never hear "built kenworth tough" because over the years Macks have proved theirselves to be tough, reliable trucks for any job you can give them. Go to Harlan, Ky. people are still using 1st generation R-models EVERYDAY. Welcome aboard Geon glad to have ya.



Gee, thank you guys!! This was very helpful! It's interesting to see how the Mack's reputation is well based on its quality (as Bollweevil said) and then spreads out to represent much more than just the product (vanscottbuilders and nocluejoe)... I think it's clear that there's much more than what meets the eye (and what meets the eye is already beautiful!).


other dog


Well said James.

The quality of, particularly, the older Macks speaks to

a lost ethic in our society. It's not "just good enough",

it's really "Mack Tough". And I think the Macks, unlike

most brands, evoke a "can do" attitude that is largely

missing in our bail-out ridden, no responsibility, no fault society.

So - the Mack truck makes a statement, not only about

the truck and it's legendary durability, but also about the

people and the country that built them.

Not to mention that they kind of fit like old shoes.

Man - we ought to be in marketing!

Paul Van Scott

your checks from Mack are in the mail...might want to wait 'til Friday to cash 'em. Tuff times ya' know.

other dog


Gee, thank you guys!! This was very helpful! It's interesting to see how the Mack's reputation is well based on its quality (as Bollweevil said) and then spreads out to represent much more than just the product (vanscottbuilders and nocluejoe)... I think it's clear that there's much more than what meets the eye (and what meets the eye is already beautiful!).xxx!
:WELCOME:  Hi geon! where are you from, if anywhere?




Around 4:00 o'clock friday evening.....Kinda sad, but i worked for a guy like that, another bad part was he employed about 50 or so people. Hell I'd say we've all been down that road...lol

other dog


Around 4:00 o'clock friday evening.....Kinda sad, but i worked for a guy like that, another bad part was he employed about 50 or so people. Hell I'd say we've all been down that road...lol

better take off to the bank around 3:15 so you'll get there before Paul and James,then you know yours will be good.

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