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Ice Road Trucker?

Things must be slow around here, this is the third week in a row that I only made one turn. I went to Fremont, Oh. Monday and had to layover a night before I got a load back. Ended up loading 9 skidded coils in Hubbard, Oh. going to Orange, Va. After I unloaded in Orange yesterday I went to Petersburg and loaded for Roxana, Il. to deliver Monday. Loaded with H piling, going to a refinery. The rules they sent said drivers must be clean shaven, I guess in case you have to put a gas max on. I took it anyway.

Got in some ice road trucking Tuesday night on the way from Monroeville to Hubbard. Freezing rain the whole way. Saw many cars in the ditch and in the median from just west of Lodi over to Akron. I just eased along and had no problem, but it was pretty amazing to watch cars spin out and go off the road. You could see it happening, but nobody seemed to slow down-one would go off the road, next car would come along like nothing happened, hit the brakes and do the same thing. On one hill about a mile or so west of Lodi on rt. 42 there was about 6 or 8 cars off the road in a stretch of maybe a quarter of a mile. I had to get over by the guardrail on the right to squeeze by one car that was crossways in the left lane, and had about half of the right lane blocked too. I was empty, even though being loaded doesn't help you a lot on ice, and I never spun once. Evidently they didn't realize it was slick and were just going too fast when they figured it out. My first clue came when the rain was freezing on the windshield from the time I left Monroeville about 5 o'clock that evening. By the time I got to Lodi the mirrors, hood, antennas, sun visor-everything I could see-had a thick coating of ice on it, so I suspected the road might be slick too. Nary a salt truck did I see until I got on I-76 at Lodi.

Took a few pictures this week too, nothing very exciting though-

the dog dancing with his donkey,

tarping loads-like the song says,it's a dirty job-but someone's got to do it! Then your kyanite will be dry and your steel will still shine when you arrive at your destination.

a sign on a trailer on rt. 422 near New Castle-I just like it!

old digger machine on 422 near Kittaning, Pa.

ice south of Altoona

I'm also a master carpenter-I even have a hammer :rolleyes:


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That's a very studious look you have there with that hammer.

Obviously there's something really important going on in the

carpenter's head. Like "Which side of this thing do I use?"

And how did that board get that short?

Don't quit your day job.

other dog


actually I sawed them all with my trusty Homelite XL12 chain saw!

...and when I did finally figure out which way to turn the hammer I found I could drive a nail twice as fast as I did at first.

By the way, if you need any help in the building binness, i'm experienced now-and I have a hammer.



Well if you guys need some lumber just call me I've went as far as Johnson City.....Are you thinking of driving the ice roads this year? Thankfully there wouldn't be any 4 wheelers in you way so tha would help



All you need now is a handle for that hammer. Did your Mom gift wrap those loads for you? You might make a hand yet. I always like to see a well tarped load. I don't miss having to handle them though. Especially in the winter, when you roll them up wet they are slicker than snot on a door knob when you have to use them. Have you ever noticed, that every winter people have to learn to drive all over again.

other dog


All you need now is a handle for that hammer. Did your Mom gift wrap those loads for you? You might make a hand yet. I always like to see a well tarped load. I don't miss having to handle them though. Especially in the winter, when you roll them up wet they are slicker than snot on a door knob when you have to use them. Have you ever noticed, that every winter people have to learn to drive all over again.

I actually have a decent hammer around here somewhere, probably buried under a pile of something in the shed. Most everything else is.



Don't buy one with a Fiberglass handle. I always help the drivers that deliver to us, with their tarps and straps, etc. I always take the forklift and lift them onto the trailer. Just a way to help a fellow driver out.

other dog


Don't buy one with a Fiberglass handle. I always help the drivers that deliver to us, with their tarps and straps, etc. I always take the forklift and lift them onto the trailer. Just a way to help a fellow driver out.

I don't have lumber tarps, so I ''armstrong'' 'em. Had to turn down a load of lumber a while back because I needed 6' drops. I carry 2 big tarps and 1 16x16 that works perfect on a 5 coil Handy load, use 1 big one and the small one on kyanite, had to use both big ones on the skidded coils because the load took most of the trailer.

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