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New Toy For Jimmy

Took a little ride to Central Ohio last Thursday

for purposes of picking up my Uncle Jimmy's

new Kenworth W-900-A.

It's a very well maintained 1980 model with

a Caterpillar 3408 and 6+4 transmissions.

It has a custom built air to air intercooler fit

for a little added oomph.

Pretty smooth ride. Kind of like the big truck

equivalent of a Harley Davidson Electra-Glide.

Nice Toy! Just sort of oozes down the road.

And he looks just right sitting up there too -

Big guy with bright white long hair and sunglasses.

We talked by phone on the way home - he says with

the cruise set at 65, the engine's just turning 1600 rpm.

Probably as economical as one could expect a big motor to be.

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Those 3408's are iron clad motors..I like the old W-900a's always a personal favorite of mine. One thing about the KW's is the doors will interchange, cause theres a '69 narrow hood w-900 sittin in jellico with Daylight doors on it. The owner bought it just for the motor and said the doors was from a '94 t-600......kinda crazy......anyway we need some pics of the 'ol girl and pics of your progress on the B model.

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