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A Routine Ice Road Trip To Pa. And Ohio-with Photos

the best diesel engine mack has made was?  

90 members have voted

  1. 1. the best diesel engine mack has made was?

    • Thermodyne
    • Maxidyne
    • Econodyne
    • Magnadyne
    • E6 4V head
    • E7 4V head
    • E9 4V head
    • older ENDT V8 2V head
    • other engine not mentioned

I delivered the load from Texas to Milton, Pa. Tuesday, then rode over to Brookfield, Oh. and got a load of coils and went to Roanoke. I thought I was going to Chester, W.V. with a curtain side, or Conestoga, or whatever you call it Thursday (they won't unload a flat bed in winter, and we didn't know if we could get a return load for a van), but they got a Fremont, Oh. load so I took that instead. Ran in lots of snow (again!) all the way (well, all right, most of the way!) up and back. Had to go from Fremont over to Butler, Pa. to reload at AK Steel-I hate AK Steel by the way, have I mentioned that before? My appointment was at 3pm, got there at 3:15 and waited in the holding pen until after 6 when they finally called the 3 o'clock trucks. Didn't get out of there until 9 last night, when it was blizzarding (I just made that word up). I drove down I-79, saw a cop in the median just before exit 99 in West Virginia, I looked at my speedometer and was doing 74 mph (speed limit was 70). He didn't move but then a 4 wheeler passed me like I was tied to a stump, and he came out and pulled the car over. I stopped where you get on rt. 19 and pulled on the shoulder and took a nap until almost daylight. Then I came on down 19 to Summersville and took rt. 39 over to Nettie, stopped at the GoMart for a coffee and sausage bistit, then rt. 20 to Charmco, and rt. 60 to I-64 at Sam Black Church. 39 and 20 was pretty much snow covered, but no problems. Everything was lovely when I got on 64, and I got to the shop about 11:30. Took some good pictures along the way too...

here's my truck Monday, all clean and shiny-except that hubcap ain't too shiny anymore

same 'ol dirty trailer though-been to Seattle and back, and didn't get a wash job

unloading in Milton,Pa.-I'm gonna back under the crane where that forklift is

a frozen river in Pa.-I 80

a river not frozen in Pa, I 80

this looks like it could be in Montana or somewhere, but it's just east of Clifton Forge, Va. headed west on I-64

this looks like it could be in Wyoming or somewhere, but it's on rt. 250 in Ohio

this looks like it could be in Ohio

four wheeler off roading-rt. 20 in Ohio

lots of snow-rt. 20 in Ohio

took this this morning-approaching Nettie, W.V.

GoMart at Nettie, where I stopped for a bistit and coffee

rt. 20, W.V.

rt. 20, W.V.

here's my truck Saturday- not so clean or shiny anymore.


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It's good to be busy.

Everything I read says we aren't near out

of trouble yet.

Paul VS

other dog


It's good to be busy.

Everything I read says we aren't near out

of trouble yet.

Paul VS

yep, that's what they say.Usually i'd go to Brookfield or Sharon and load right back to Roanoke or Lynchburg instead of going all the way to Butler to load.



you have a nice looking ride, you must keep your camera close and ready to go, i tried that one time but riding around on a cat 637 scraper, ever tho i had a cab each time i reached for the camera i either hit a hole or have another scraper running after you, i got some good pic,s and some bad, i just had a throw away camera because theres noway you could have a good one getting beat up like that :mack1:

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