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Binness As Usual

the best diesel engine mack has made was?  

90 members have voted

  1. 1. the best diesel engine mack has made was?

    • Thermodyne
    • Maxidyne
    • Econodyne
    • Magnadyne
    • E6 4V head
    • E7 4V head
    • E9 4V head
    • older ENDT V8 2V head
    • other engine not mentioned

Geez, I can't remember anything...oh, it's coming back slowly now. Made three rounds last week for the first time in a while. Took some treated lumber to Akron Thursday and thought I was coming home empty, but got a load out of Malta, Oh. late Friday evening going to Bedford, Va. When I unloaded in Bedford Monday I went to the shop and got a Conestoga and loaded Kyanite for Chester, W.V. Sat all day in Chester after I unloaded Tuesday-didn't have a return load. I did get a load Wednesday going to Roanoke, but it was next week's load, so I just brought it to the shop and dropped it. Then Thursday I loaded treated lumber going to Middlefield, Oh. and reloaded in Canton at Ohio Steel Slitters. I don't know if everyone who works there is an a-hole, or just the guy that loaded me. Probably just him, odds are against everyone there being one, but he was certainly an arrogant, hateful jerk-pure a-hole, like he holds it against you for coming there to pick up a load in the first place. Unfortunately, that's most often the case where ever you go to load steel or make a delivery.Big Jim loaded there too. I was already backed in when he got there and he walked over and asked me where the shipping office was. As I was telling him, mr. hole walked over and told us we need to quit talking so I can pull out, he's on a tight time schedule, blah-blah-blah. I had 2 big coils, 20 and 21,000 lbs. so I put 1 chain through the eye of each one and pulled out. Put 2 more chains on each outside, then tarped the load and left. I was heading south on 77 down below Dover when I was talking to Jim on the phone-they still hadn't started to load him.Makes it hard to be sympathetic when they close the doors because people decide to get their steel from China or Brazil. Gotta deliver in Suffolk tomorrow.

And I got started on the garden yesterday-planted some cabbage. Gotta pick up some onion sets this week, and i'll be good for a while. I'm going to start some tomato and pepper plants in a plant bed.

took a few pictures last week, nothing spectacular-

loaded with lumber at the truckstop

couple of Macks in Fairplain,W.V.

closer view of the b-model, Fairplain,W.V.

sitting in Chester,W.V.-you have to blind side through that gate to back up to the dock.good picture-if anyone wants to learn to drive that truck that just passed by,just call that number.

Mack dump on a dirt pile

strange looking VW crew cab bus van pickup thing in Moneta.

Old White on rt. 20 in W.V.


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